New functionality: Moodle to SITS Marks Transfer Wizard
12 June 2024
The Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer Wizard is now available to use for Grade Item and Grade Category assessments
You can now use the Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer Wizard to transfer marks for Grade Item and Grade Category assessments where the following criteria are met:
- The mark is numeric (letter grades are not eligible)
- The mark is out of 100
- The Grade display type is set to Real in the settings (other display types will not be recognised by Portico so the item or Category would not show up as a Source activity in the Marks Transfer Wizard)
These developments were prioritised following user feedback and build upon the existing capability to transfer marks for Moodle Assignments, Quizzes and Turnitin Assignments (not multipart) which meet the criteria outlined in the Marks Transfer Wizard overview. Our next priority is to analyse requirements for SORAs, ECs, LSAs and other special cases.
Support and guidance
Guidance and FAQs (including short screen recordings) are available on our Marks Transfer wiki.
Questions, issues and feedback
- For any issues with using the Marks Transfer wizard, contact
- For any issues with Portico data, contact or for issues with incorrect assessment set up, contact
- Please provide any feedback about the Marks Transfer Wizard to your Faculty Moodle Champion
We hope you find this enhancement to the Marks Transfer Wizard beneficial!
Contact details for further information:
For any support issues with the Marks Transfer Wizard please contact
For any issues with Portico data, contact or for issues with incorrect assessment set up, contact