External Examiner UCL Credentials (IT, Moodle, AssessmentUCL access)
12 December 2022
Board teams can now run a Portico report to retrieve their External Examiner’s UCL credentials for IT/Moodle/AssessmentUCL access
***Please refer to the External Examining webpage for further information on IT access (incl. Moodle, AssessmentUCL) for External Examiners briefly mentioned here***
Board colleagues and those who can access the Boards of Examiners container on Portico, can now run a Portico report and retrieve the relevant data to set up their EE for IT/Moodle/ AssessmentUCL access (UPI, Username and UCL email address).
Board colleagues listed as Board members on the Portico Data Hub task and Faculty colleagues will have access to a task within the BoE container: Taught programme examiner process report.
The EE’s UPI, Username and UCL email address are logged on the Contact Report (one of the suite of reports included within the Taught programme examiner process report).
For step-by-step guidance, please refer to Section A point 2 of the section on IT Access (incl. Moodle, AssessmentUCL) for External Examiners.
Many thanks,
External Examining Team
Contact details for further information: examiners@ucl.ac.uk