
Student and Registry Services


2021/22 Module Catalogue now published

12 May 2021

Please encourage your students to begin thinking about their modules for the next academic session

The online Module Catalogue has been published, giving a comprehensive list of modules that will be offered in 2021/22 across UCL.

Current and prospective students can now browse through the catalogue to start planning their module choices for the coming year.

For each module, they can see in which term it’s intended to be taught, what level it is, how many credits it’s worth, and how it will be assessed (eg exams, coursework, etc.). Details of any selection restrictions or pre-requisites are also provided.

Departments are asked to provide their students with more information about the choices available to them, according to their programmes and level of study.

From early September students will be invited by email to choose their modules in Portico, our student records system.

Next steps

A further update of the Module Catalogue will take place in July, when it will be linked to the 2021/22 online timetable.  Prior to the July refresh of the catalogue there will be an opportunity for departments to indicate any modules which will be delivered wholly online without any face-to-face element.

There is also an opportunity for any urgent assessment changes that are identified through the Exam Boards to be made during the period 28 June to 9 July.

2020/21 archive

The 2020/21 Module Catalogue has been archived and individual module pages can be accessed via Portico as follows:

  • Student access is via the module title links in the 'My Modules' container
  • Staff access is via the 'Modules and Assessments' task

Contact details for further information: