
Student and Registry Services


Postgraduate Taught Results Release and Award Processing

10 December 2021

Information on results release and award processing for the Main PGT Exam Boards and timeline for processing of late results via Sub-Boards/Chairs Action Dec 2021 – May 2022

Postgraduate Taught Results Release

Official results approved by Faculty by the deadline of Friday 26 November 2021 will be released to students on the 02 December 2021.

Student Records will aim to process as many results as possible for release on the 02 December 2021, but cannot guarantee results approved after the 26 November 2021 will be ready for release on the 02 December 2021.  If you are not able to approve results by the deadline, please let your students know.

On the 02 December, students will receive an email to their UCL email account with details of their results and if eligible details of their award. Due to the large number of results being released, emails will arrive throughout the day and evening.  Results will also be available to view on Portico from 03 December 21.
Degree documentation for results released on the 02 December, will be dispatched by the end of April 2022.

Please note it is expected that Departments will have contacted students who have failed in advance of official results being released.

Verification Services

After release of results students and third parties can use one of the following forms of verification of results/award whilst they await receipt of their official degree documentation.  Please note it is not possible for students to access these in advance of the results being released officially:

Due to the Christmas closure period and high volumes of requests, orders for e-transcripts placed after Friday 10 December 2021 may not be processed before UCL closes on Thursday 23rd December 2021. Normal verification services will resume from Tuesday 4th January 2022.

Graduate Route

The Visa Compliance Team will confirm awards for students applying to study via the Graduate Route after results release on the 02 December 2021. 

For awards conferred after the 02 December, the Compliance Team will confirm student awards once they are approved by Faculty.

Extenuating Circumstances for final assessment(s)

Students who are completing their final assessment(s) later due to Extenuating Circumstances will receive their results once they have been approved by Faculty.  Please notify any students who are finishing later of the timeline for receiving their results (see table below). 

Degree documentation for awards processed in January/February 2022 will be dispatched within four months of the date of official release of results.

Dissertation Resubmissions

Results for students resubmitting their Dissertation at the end of January 2022 and approved by the Exam Board in March 2022, will be released at the end of March 2022.

Students eligible for an award at this point will receive their degree documentation by the end of July 2022.


The deadline for PGT students to be invited to a 2022 Graduation Ceremony is 01 April 2022.  The deadline for Faculty to approve awards to meet this deadline is 25 March 2022

Students whose awards are approved after 25 March 2022, will be invited to a ceremony in 2023.  Please inform your students if their results will not be approved in time for them to attend a ceremony in 2022.

Timeline for approving/releasing results late December 2021 - May 2022

DeadlineEventResults Released to Students
PGT results from late November/December 2021 Exam Boards
15 Dec 2021

PGT late marks and awards approved by a Sub-Board or Chair’s Action to be confirmed in Portico.

20 Dec 2021

21 Jan 2022

PGT late marks and awards approved by a Sub-Board or Chair’s Action to be confirmed in Portico.

28 Jan 2022

PGT Exam Boards: January Start Programmes

03 Feb 2022

PGT Boards of Examiners, EC Panels, etc


11 Feb 2022

PGT marks and awards to be approved by Faculty in Portico

17 Feb 2022

PGT Sub Boards for Dissertation resubmissions and deferrals

31 Jan 2022

PGT dissertation re-sit and deferral deadline


Early March 2022

PGT Sub Boards to consider dissertation re-sit results and deferrals


25 March 2022

PGT marks and awards to be approved by Faculty in Portico

31 March 2022

PGT late results – April/May 2022 

22 Apr 2022

PGT marks and awards to be approved by Faculty in Portico

29 Apr 2022

20 May 2022

PGT marks and awards to be approved by Faculty in Portico


Results and awards approved after 20 May 2022 should be taken to the Summer Exam Boards for approval.

If you have any queries relating to the postgraduate exam board processes, please tag your Student Records team on your Faculty Teams channel or email examboards@ucl.ac.uk (staff queries only).