2020/21 Modules and the UCL Module Catalogue
4 March 2020
In readiness for the publication of the 2020/21 UCL Module Catalogue which will take place in the week commencing 9 March 2020
In readiness for the publication of the 2020/21 UCL Module Catalogue which will take place in the week commencing 9 March 2020, you can no longer amend module information in the ‘Curriculum Data Maintenance – Modules and Assessments’ container of Portico except for information about the module leader and teaching periods for module deliveries. You can continue to change the module leader and change teaching periods / create new teaching periods for module deliveries until 30 June 2020 and these will be reflected in the 2020/21 UCL Module Catalogue when it is refreshed in July 2020.
All new module and module amendment requests submitted on or before 29 November 2019 should have been set-up on Portico and will be included in the March 2020 publication of the 2020/21 UCL Module Catalogue. Any requests submitted to the Student Lifecycle team after 29 November 2019 will be reflected in the refresh of the 2020/21 UCL Module Catalogue in July 2020. Please refer to the Late Module proposals and amendments article for more information.
If you need to amend the expected module delivery size for your module deliveries, please contact the Timetabling Team by 3 April 2020 who will be able to make these changes.
Contact email for further information: lifecycle@ucl.ac.uk