Important changes to the Annual Student Experience Review (ASER)
6 September 2019
The Annual Student Experience Review (ASER) process has been revised for 2019/20.
There will be a single submission for all programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate) in a department.
A revised ASER Development and Enhancement Plan has been developed to be released and submitted on Sharepoint. The revised plan will enable continually review and update throughout the academic year in partnership with students across all programmes in a department. For tracking and evidencing progress against the objectives from the previous year, the plans for 2019 will be pre-populated with the objectives from those submitted in 2018/19.
The release and submission dates have been changed.
The ASER Development and Enhancement Plans will be available on Sharepoint from 31st October 2019 with a submission date of the 24th February 2020.
The submission date is late enough to allow involvement of students in reviewing progress and shaping the forthcoming plan and when the majority of relevant data is available, whilst early enough in the year to allow student representatives to work on identifying whether sufficient progress has been achieved against the previous years’ plan. A snapshot of the plans will be taken from Sharepoint and the plans will then be released back to departments (date to be advise) to access, review and update as data arrives and progress is made throughout the year.
Key Dates for 2019/20
31st October 2019 – release of ASER Development and Enhancement Plans on Sharepoint.
24th February 2020 – deadline for completion on Sharepoint of ASER Development and Enhancement Plans (including approval at the relevant DTC/FTC).
25th February 2020 – snapshot of the ASER Development and Enhancement Plans is taken from Sharepoint.
Further information and guidance will be available to staff.
Contact details for further information: