27 May – Missing Board Personnel details
30 May 2019
Follow these processes to ensure the correct Board Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Board Administrators are listed for your Board
***In case this was missed in the earlier May AS newsletter, please note revised deadline to update Board Personnel details – by 27 MAY.***
It is crucial that Departmental teams check the Board details and ensure these are accurate through the Board of Examiners data hub task (within Awards, Assessments and Achievements tab).
Two key developments:
- Deputy Chairs and an additional Board Administrator can now share the external examining activities of a particular Board with the existing Chair and Board Administrator.
- Departmental Managers (DM), ELOs and Board Administrators can now amend Board Admin access on Portico without having to notify the Examiners team. DMs and ELOs will access Boards within their department.
Chair changes:
To change a Chair for 2018-19 session, please complete and submit a Change of Chair form located within Chapter 4 of the Academic Manual.
Deputy Chair changes via Faculty Education Officers:
The Faculty Education Officers are collating these details and will submit to us on behalf of the Faculty. Please contact your Faculty Office with the Board code, Board title, name and UPI of your Deputy Chairs, so that the correct person can be given access on Portico.
Admin changes for Board Admin 1 and 2:
DMs, ELOs and current Board Administrators can access the ‘Appoint administrator to board’ task through the Board of Examiners container on Portico within the Awards, Assessments and Achievements tab. Faculty colleagues who have access to the External Examining Portico tasks will also be able to use this function as required.
The Student Records team need to provide access to the correct Chair, Deputy Chair and Board Administrators to approve the Exam Board reports. Please complete these checks and submit the relevant information by Monday 27th May.
Contact details for further information: examiners@ucl.ac.uk
For ELO changes: examinations@ucl.ac.uk