
Student and Registry Services


Late Summer Assessments: Updates

25 June 2019

Updates including deadlines and process for Examination Adjustments, Alternative Venues (overseas), and key information.

Guidance on Late Summer Assessments

Key information regarding the Late Summer Assessments, including the Staff Planning Pack, Student FAQs, Student Guides to Condonement, and key dates can be found via the following website:

Guidance on Late Summer Assessments

Examination Adjustments

The deadline for the receipt of applications from students applying for examination adjustments for the Late Summer Assessment Period is 29 July 2019.

Late Applications will only be considered if the student has suffered from a sudden illness of accidental injury. Applications must be received by Student Support and Wellbeing no later than 7 calendar days before the examination. If applications are received after this deadline, then the student will need to apply for a deferral to the next examination period under the extenuating circumstances regulations.

For further information and details about how to apply, visit Examination Adjustment Arrangements

Please note: the regulations are changing in 2019/20, visit Changes to Assessment for 2019-20 for more information.

Alternative Venues (overseas)

All students will be expected to attend UCL to take their assessment or re-assessment UNLESS:

  • The student is enrolled on a distance learning programme OR
  • The students visa has expired AND the application for renewal of their visa has been rejected.

The deadline for submission of completed forms is 10 July 2019 for more information and to download an application form please direct students to our website https://www.ucl.ac.uk/students/exams-and-assessments/exams/your-exams-what-you-need-know

Late Summer Assessments in Moodle

Digital Eduaction have provided the following resources to help staff with the assessment process in Moodle:

Late Summer Assessments in Moodle
Late Summer Assessments in Moodle (Staff Guidance and FAQ)

Contact email for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk

Contact email for questions regarding Moodle and LSA: digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk