Enrolment 2019
20 June 2019
Dates and times for enrolment August/September 2019
Details of the opening times of enrolment sessions on the Student and Registry staff pages via the following link:
Enrolment opening times: Start of session 2019
This gives details of:
- The main enrolment period from 18 – 26 September
- Initial Teacher Education (ITE) enrolment periods
- Mop-up sessions for ITE students
- Arrangements for late enrolment
We will be sending new students details of their enrolment appointments and will update the new students web pages with all the enrolment arrangements. Please note the final date for enrolment for students (other than those on ITE students) will be Friday 11 October 2019.
Contact email for further information: h.notter@ucl.ac.uk