
Student and Registry Services


GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level

This page contains details of different GCE A level qualifications.


This includes information on the following qualifications:


GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level

About the qualification

A-Level reforms

Reforms to A-levels in England, Wales and Northern Ireland began in 2015 with the first students presenting reformed full A-level qualifications due in 2017.


In England, AS and A levels delivered by AQA. Eduqas and OCR have been ‘decoupled’, meaning that AS results no longer count towards the overall A-level. AS-levels are available as a standalone qualification only. Reformed A-levels and AS-levels are linear in structure, with assessments taking place at the end of the course. Subjects are being reformed in phases. A timeline is available on the Department for Education website.

A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics include a separate result for the practical element of the qualification which is awarded on a pass/fail basis.


A-levels in Wales continue to have an embedded AS-Level, however, the weighting of the AS qualification has been reduced from 50% to 40%. The modular structure is retained and candidates may take the opportunity to be assessed in units or at the end of the course.

Reforms are largely content based, with subjects sharing similar content to the English equivalent, where possible. Reformed qualifications accredited by the Welsh Government are offered by WJEC. Students will only undertake A-levels from other parts of the UK in subjects where there is no specification designed to meet the new Welsh Government requirements.

In science A-levels (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), the science practical component will remain embedded in the overall result of the A Level. 

Northern Ireland

Revised A-levels delivered by CCEA are being taught from September 2016 onwards. As with Wales, these reforms are largely based on content. The AS-level continues to be embedded in the A-Level and forms 40% of the full A-level grade. Students in Northern Ireland can undertake A-Level qualifications offered by English and Welsh examination boards, so taking a mix of linear and modular qualifications is possible.

All science A-levels (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), taken in Northern Ireland must have marks for the practical assessment embedded in the overall result of the A Level.

Unreformed A-Levels

The GCE A Level replaced the GCE Advanced Level qualification, and was first awarded in summer 2002. It is a two-year modular programme of study, with students initially being enrolled onto the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level in the first year, before proceeding to the A Level in the second year (sometimes called the A2). Candidates can choose to take all modules (AS and A2) at the end of the second year, so UCAS do not require applicants to declare AS results on their UCAS application. However, from 2012 entry all state school applicants will be required to declare AS results.

  • Following a review of A-Levels new specifications were incorporated in 2008, to stretch and challenge candidates, as well as introducing the new A* grade. This included:
  • Reduction of modules from six to four (with the exception of biology, chemistry, electronics, environmental science, geology, mathematics, music, physics, some minority languages and A levels in applied subjects)
  • Fewer structured questions, and more open-ended questions which require extended essay responses
  • More questions which require a synoptic overview of the subject in A2 modules
  • The introduction of an extended project
  • The introduction of an A* grade which recognises very high achievement.

Preferred/Non-Preferred A-levels

Applicants wishing to study at UCL should offer a minimum of two A-Level subjects from the list of preferred subjects.  UCL is happy to accept any subject as the third A-Level offered, provided the other two subjects appear on the preferred list

Entrance requirements

A-level GradesA-level grades (A* max – E min, U=fail)
 A*A*AGCE A-Level grades A*A*A
 A*AAGCE A-Level grades A*AA
AAAGCE A-Level grades AAA
AABGCE A-Level grades AAB
ABBGCE A-Level grades ABB
Please note that the A*A*A requirement has only been approved for the Mathematics Department and Computer Sciences.

The final result of the A-Level is based on the sum of individual unit results. However, an A* is only awarded at A-Level to candidates who have achieved an A grade overall in their A-Level, plus a maximum of 90% or above in the A2 modules. GCE AS units are assessed and graded to match the level of attainment expected from students in the first half of their advanced course of study. The more demanding A2 units are assessed at the full A-level standard. Therefore the conceptually less demanding material is assessed in the AS units, meaning the qualification is easier than the pre-2000 AS.


Due to the A-Level reforms, UCL have removed the fourth AS-Level requirement Two AS Levels are not equivalent to a GCE A-Level on its own. Specifications (syllabuses) for all of the AS and A-Level subjects are on the Awarding Body websites (www.aqa.org.ukwww.edexcel.org.ukwww.ocr.org.uk).

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GCE Advanced / Advanced Supplementary Level

About the Qualification

These qualifications were last awarded in the Winter of 01/02. They were replaced with the GCE A-Level and Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level qualifications.

The value of an Advanced Supplementary was half an Advanced Level subject, so an applicant could meet the requirements for ABB/pass by offering one of the following:

A-level grades (A max – E min, N,U=fail)
GCE Advanced Level grades ABB
GCE Advanced Level grades AB, plus grades BB at Advanced Supplementary Level
GCE Advanced Level grade A, plus grades BBBB at Advanced Supplementary Level

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GCE Advanced / Advanced Subsidiary Level in Applied Sciences

About the qualification

Applied Advance/Advanced Subsidiary Levels were introduced in 2002. There are three types of qualifications:

  • AS (three units)
  • A-Level (six units)
  • Double Award (12 units, which equates to two A-Levels and the former Advanced GNVQ)

Applied AS and A-Levels differ from standard A-Levels in the following:

  • Not all Applied A-Levels have an AS component; in fact there are only four Applied AS Levels: Business, Engineering, Health and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology.
  • All Applied A-Level units are assessed at full A-Level standard, including those in Applied AS Levels. Thus the Applied AS is not “subsidiary” in the same way as the normal AS, although the qualification is due to be revised to bring it in line with other AS Levels.
  • Students taking the “Double Award” (equals 12 units) can add additional applied units that do not form part of a qualification.

Applied AS and A-Levels are graded A to E for pass, U for fail. The Distinction and Merit grades used for the Advanced GNVQ are only applied to the Intermediate and Foundation GNVQs that still exist. Candidates taking “Double Award” Applied A-Levels receive two grades e.g. AA, AB, BB etc. The double grades are based upon a candidate’s performance in all twelve units, not in two separate groups of six units. The Applied A-Level is similar in academic standing to the former Advanced GNVQ. The published equivalencies are: A = Distinction; C = Merit; E = Pass.

Entrance Requirements

A-level GradesEquivalent (A* max – E min, U=fail)
A*A*AGCE Applied Advance-Level A*A*A.*
A*AAGCE Applied Advance-Level A*AA.*
AAAGCE Applied Advance-Level AAA.*
AABGCE Applied Advance-Level AAB.*
ABBGCE Applied Advance-Level ABB.*

Please see the note below about preferred subjects.

Please note that the A*A*A requirement has only been approved for the Mathematics Department and Computer Sciences 


  • UCL had previously required the achievement of a Merit or higher in the Advanced GNVQ.
  • Applied A and AS levels are on the list of non-preferred A-levels for admission to UCL. Departments should not therefore be admitting students solely on the basis of Applied A-Levels. 

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GCE International Advanced / Advanced Subsidiary Level

About the qualification

GCE International A-Levels are different in structure from UK A-Levels, being linear rather than modular, but are considered to be of direct equivalent academic standing.

Entrance Requirements

A-level GradesEquivalent (A* max – E min, U=fail)
A*A*AGCE International A-Level grades A*A*A
A*AAGCE International A-Level grades A*AA
AAAGCE International A-Level grades AAA
AABGCE International A-Level grades AAB
ABBGCE International A-Level grades ABB
Please note that the A*A*A requirement has only been approved for the Mathematics Department and Computer Sciences.


  • Pearson Qualifications International has introduced GCE International Advanced/Advanced Subsidiary Level for the 2013-14 academic cycle in the following subjects: Accounting, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, Law, Mathematics and Physics. These subjects follow the Edexcel A-Level specification. 
  • Pearson Qualifications International are directly equivalent to UK A-Levels but are assessed in both January and June.

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