09/2019: Jack started his PhD on an LCN/ISIS studentship.
09/2019: "Bolometric ferromagnetic resonance techniques for characterising spin-Hall effect at high temperatures" published in JMMM.
08/2019: New grant "Spin Physics in Two-Dimensional Layered Ferromagnets" selected for funding by EPSRC.
08/2019: "Tunable magnetization dynamics in artificial spin ice via shape anisotropy modification" published in Phys. Rev. B.
07/2019: Troy won the best presentation prize in the CDT Advanced Characterisation of Materials Summer Retreat workshop.
04/2019: "Magnon-photon coupling in the noncollinear magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3" published in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) and highlighted as Editors' suggestion.
04/2019: "Abrikosov vortex nucleation and its detrimental effect on superconducting spin pumping in Pt/Nb/Ni80Fe20/Nb/Pt proximity structures" published in Phys. Rev. B.
01/2019: A trio of Physical Review papers were published from our superconducting spintronics project: "Spin transport parameters of NbN thin films characterised by spin pumping experiments" Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 014406 (2019); "Effect of Meissner screening and trapped magnetic flux on magnetization dynamics in thick Nb/Ni80Fe20/Nb trilayers" Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 014061 (2019); "Exchange-field enhancement of superconducting spin pumping" Phys. Rev. B 99, 024507 (2019).
11/2018: Safe was awarded the LCN Prize 2018 (PhD student category)!
10/2018: Oscar and Dimitrious started their PhDs.
05/2018: "Crystal structure and crystal growth of the polar ferrimagnet CaBaFe4O7" published in Phys. Rev. Materials.
04/2018: "Enhanced spin pumping into superconductors provides evidence for superconducting pure spin currents" published in Nature Mater.
12/2017: "Electric power transfer in spin-pumping experiments" published in Appl. Phys. Exp.
09/2017: "Spintronics: Anatomy of spin-orbit torques" published in Nature Nanotech. (News & Views)
09/2017: Aakanksha started her PhD.
03/2017: Konstantinos joined the group!
12/2016: New grant "Spin ice spintronics" from Leverhulme Trust.
11/2016: "Spin-orbit torques: Going in the right direction" published in Nature Phys. (News & Views).
10/2016: We joined the EPSRC "superconducting spintronics" programme grant.