


PhD Scholarships

UCL Funding Awards

Full support

Graduate Research Scholarship (3 years, UK/EU fees + stipend)
Eligibility: new and returning UCL students in an MPhil/PhD program.
Deadline passed for 2015 (typically mid-January) GRS application details.
Overseas Research Scholarship (3 years, overseas fees) 
Eligibility: new and returning UCL students in an MPhil/PhD program.
Deadline passed for 2015 (typically mid-January) ORS application details


AHW Beck Memorial Scholarship (£5000)
Eligibility: UK-resident in MPhil/PhD program in the EEE Department.
Deadline passed for 2015 (typically mid-August) Beck scholarship details.

External Awards

UCL Marshall Scholarship (2 years, overseas fees + stipend) 
UCL Marshall guidelines, MACC website
Commonwealth Scholarship (3 years, fees + stipend)
UCL Commonwealth guidelines, CSC website 
Chevening Scholarship  
UCL Chevening guidelines, Chevening website
Fulbright Awards 
Deadline: 13 October 2015,  UCL Fulbright website

Scholarship Databases: