
Centre for Space Exochemistry Data - CSED



The Centre is involved in many activities, from providing a database of molecular laboratory spectra through sophisticated atmospheric radiative transport to machine learning-based techniques to analyse exoplanetary data to leading multinational space missions dedicated to the observations of planets in the galaxy. We have published over 250 papers in high-impact journals since the start, including the article with the highest altimetric score among physical sciences in 2019.
Study Here


The Centre is involved in a number of projects across exoplanet science and astrochemical research, including the involvement in the ARIEL and Twinkle Satellite Space Missions.


PhD Projects

Through the Centre, there are a number of study opportunities available to you at UCL.

About us


Find out about our published work in Space Missions, Data Analysis Techniques and Exoplanet Characterisation.


Open Source

The UCL-CSED group is committed to open-source development as accessible tools are the foundation of good rigorous science and reproducibility