
Solar Energy & Advanced Materials Research Group


Solar Energy & Advanced Materials Research Group OLD

Welcome to the Tang Group

A grand challenge facing our society today is energy security.  Therefore an economical and robust technology for renewable and clean energy synthesis is highly sought-after. Research in our group focuses on the development of innovative (maybe disruptive) chemical approaches to solar energy conversion and storage and sustainable chemical processes, which includes CH4 activation, N2 conversion to ammonia, water splitting to H2 fuel and CO2 conversion to hydrocarbons. In parallel, we are interested in process intensification for materials manufacturing (including nanomaterials) in order to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emission during chemical production.

The group undertakes fundamental scientific studies of new catalysts and new chemical processes as well as device fabrication, through novel materials design and device engineering, all at the interface of Chemistry, Materials Science, Physics and Chemical Engineering.



Research Areas

Process Intensification by MW

Renewable Energy

Environmental Purification 



Microwave Intensified Manufacturing of Chemicals 




Solar Driven Water Splitting

Water Splitting PEC



Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2





Biomaterial Synthesis by Microwave Chemistry

MW biomaterial



Photocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis

Water Splitting



Water Treatment by Photocatalysis

water treat



Photocatalytic Methane Conversion
