Jointly led by UCL School of Public Policy, King's College London Medical School and NICE international and in collaboration with a host of international partners, our research project compares the decisions made about resource allocation in health care in different countries, and to explore the differing social values that shape those choices. In the light of our analyses, we have developed a set of principles in the form of a template to guide policy makers in any country when facing the 'values challenge' in health care prioritisation. We also provide a decision support tool for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in the NHS to help them when making challenging resource allocation decisions that feature social values such as equity, solidarity and value for money.
About us
All health care systems are facing the challenge of ensuring that high quality care is provided to the maximum number of people at a cost that the country can afford. This comes at a time when people are living longer, have increasing expectations of what care should be provided, and when the speed of health care innovation continues to offer ever greater options for intervention.
Because no country can afford to provide all its residents with every medical intervention regardless of cost or amount of clinical benefit, all political systems are facing the problem of how to set priorities in the allocation of health care resources. It has long been acknowledged in many countries that technical criteria such as cost and clinical effectiveness inform decisions about resource allocation. Read more »
Catalogue of Case Studies
Case studies provide insight into the challenges of priority setting and into the role that social values play in priority setting decisions. In the interest of offering decision-making tools for practitioners, we have started compiling a catalogue of case studies that feature cases of priority setting decisions from around the world in which social values played a role. To ensure consistency we use our case study template for every case study we provide. Read more »