Virtual events are a great way for prospective students to connect with UCL staff and students
Responsibilities include:
- Facilitate the delivery of fortnightly virtual corner events
- Serve as a digital point of contact for prospective students engaging with UCL by answering basic questions about relevant services, events and resources available and also signposting to staff support in departments (where required)
- Work closely with the (joint faculty staff) to maintain and keep up-to-date information available to prospective students to use within the virtual event series
- Collaborate with the Joint faculty to come up with new and exciting topics that you feel prospective students would want to engage in.
Contract Period
Flexible from March – October 2019
Please note: Training is mandatory for all students involved with Virtual activities before commencing work.
(Academics and) Time Commitment
We recognise that you will be undertaking this work alongside significant academic and other commitments. as such, this role is very flexible, however we recommend that you let us know how many hours you can do a week, and also times when you are not available so that we can offer work to other Student Buddies if you are not available.
Failure to complete work to deadline will result in you being removed from the Student b=Buddy scheme (if there is no valid excuse), so please do inform us if you may experience problems completing a task before the deadline.
Qualifications and Conditions of Employment
- Excellent verbal communication skills
- Excellent customer service skills
- Ability to exercise creativity and critical thinking
- Ethical judgement and sound decision-making skills
- Good organisation and prioritisation skills
- Experience of being in front of a camera or doing a webinar is helpful to have but not essential
Prior to the commencement of the term of the contract, each candidate must complete the following:
- Attend mandatory training session
- Completion and submission of all required paperwork to Unitemps
- Apply for a Position
If you are interested in becoming Student Corner, Virtual Events Ambassador for the current academic year, you need to be part of the Student Buddy scheme.