We have taken steps to make the PhD pathway accessible, and to attract potential applicants who may not view a PhD as open to them. To reach applicants from a wide range of backgrounds, we promote our PhD opportunities beyond adverts on sites such as findaPhd.com by also directly contacting all post-1992 universities that teach environmental science – and many others. We approach directors/administrators of courses that fall within DTP research themes that typically attract few applications, and contact specific mailing groups e.g., the Black British in STEM (BBSTEM) website. Our advert is also highlighted via social media outlets such as Twitter.
A linked example of our efforts to link with under-represented groups is our engagement with the NERC Research Experience Placements scheme. We are proud to have hosted 15 students in the last two years. Our recruitment process for the REP scheme seeks to attract interest in NERC’s science remit from under-represented groups and so helps to diversify our DTP’s activities. All our REP students who are eligible and apply for a PhD are offered an interview with our DTP.
We strive to use inclusive language in our communications and encourage our DTP staff to add personal pronouns to email signatures.
We highlight our links with industry via listing our non-academic partners, as well as the various internships undertaken by our students.
We have created a library of student profiles (interviews) – available to potential applicants, in addition to a gallery of our students.
We run a live, open-access, recorded webinar to assist potential applicants prior to their initial application. Current students, the DTP team and Directors discuss the London NERC DTP and the student experience, the application procedure, and field any general questions. This helps provide support, ensures transparency in our procedures, and reduces inequalities from coaching bias.
We provide additional written guidance on our application form.
We provide names and contact details of the DTP Team who can answer questions about applying and provide assistance. We have a dedicated FAQs section on our webpage.