Professor Jennifer Hudson appointed as Deputy Dean for SHS
29 June 2021
We catch up with Professor Jennifer Hudson, currently the Head of Department of Political Science, who has been appointed as Deputy Dean from 1 October 2021 for a period of three years.
Hello Jennifer. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at UCL.

I am originally from California and came to UCL in 2003 for a one year lectureship in research methods. At the time, I very much thought I’d be in London for just the year but 18 years later, I’m still (very happy) to be here. My research focuses on public support for and engagement with sustainable development and for the past three years I have been leading the Development Engagement Lab, a joint project with the University of Birmingham that works with 30+ international NGOs and government agencies in France, Germany, Great Britain and the US to conduct research on public opinion, foreign aid and support for development. For the last three years, I’ve had the privilege of serving as Head of Department of Political Science. It has been an enormous challenge, but one that I have enjoyed.
What are you most excited about going into the Deputy Dean role?
I’m very keen to think about how we approach/shape the ‘new normal’ and what that means for our core business – research, education and external engagement. As a (soon to be former) Head of Department, I am looking forward to working with current SHS Heads and Departments, and to be a resource for them. I’d also like to support and contribute to some of the exciting projects underway in the SHS Faculty – Anthropocene Institute, Policy Lab, and Social Data Institute (among others). The UCL community did such amazing work in delivering our Education programmes this year; capturing best practice from this radical overhaul and understanding what parts we want to keep and how that can enhance the student experience and our professional services will be important.
Where would you like to go abroad once our way of life has returned to normal?
Home to California to see my mom and family. And then make plans to go to places I’ve not yet been – the Maldives, China, Sweden.
What are you reading at the moment?
I just finished Daring Greatly by Brené Brown and looking forward to What we Talk about When we Talk about Love (Carver) and White Privilege (Bhopal).
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Tacos! More precisely, Mexican food: tacos, enchiladas, burritos, beans and rice.
Where are you happiest?
I grew up a few hours drive from Las Vegas and we played a lot of cards growing up. Sometimes for money, mostly for fun. These days, I’m really happy playing card games at home with my two favourite people.