Amy Cunningham

I utilise my own singing voice and deal with the relationship it has to different technologies. The content of the singing comes about through a response to my voice in the context of sites or media, which are outside of the concert hall and the conventions of performance associated with it. My approach to the specificity of each medium, architectural space or musical language being used, determines which sounds are produced by my voice, the structure and the choreography of the performance or installation. This has included an exploration of the relationship between song and man-made green spaces, between video and opera, and between voice and microphone.

Most recently I have used the particular characteristics of the live web cast which when relayed in the same space as the live performance event, produces an echo delay of approximately 30 seconds. The echo delay creates several layers of images which mirror the movements of the performer and of the spectators, which can be seen as a large data projection on a screen, whilst the performance is taking place. The medium of the Internet has become a kind of 'effects processor' of my voice, which has the potential ability to travel geographical and virtual distances. The structure of my performance relies on the given and everyday qualities of the live web cast relay. Allowing for a certain transparency of the medium enables me to investigate the different phonic qualities the of the live, encoded and recorded voice in depth, as well as explore the relationship between the performed and the mediated voice. I am exploring the definition and limitations of song.



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