Slade School of Fine Art



Revision of an Act


Luca Vanello

, 2014, various materials, 4.75 x 3.20 m.

Objects were collected between the ruins of a demolished house in a Palestinian neighborhood of East Jerusalem. The materiality of the objects was reversed back at different stages to their original condition. The resulting materials are in an ongoing process of being re-inserted into new cycles. Project realized with the support of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Silwan, Jerusalem.




Luca Vanello

, 2015, silicon, pigments, 1 x 1 cm (detail).

50 marbles in total, where 49 have been produced with pigments from found images. The remaining 1 marble was produced with photographic pigment from the only existing photograph of a person who has passed away. The image was donated by its original owner for the realization of the work.




Luca Vanello

, 2014, sanded wallpaint, dirt, acrylic binder, water.

The paint layer from the wall of a sleeping room in the Danish asylum center Sandholm was sanded. The resulting powder was transformed into colour pigment and reversed back to liquid paint. The emulsion was then used to paint a wall of the gallery space.


People like the plants and the horizon with the sun


Luca Vanello

, 2015, inkjet print, frame, 100 x 70 cm. Frame embedded in wall..

A code was developed to insert text inside the binary structure of a digital image, in this way altering its aspect according to the text inserted. Image of a trauma centre waiting room. Altered by words that could not be said.




Luca Vanello

, 2015, video still, 3 mins 25 sec.

A written abstract narrative related to the use of everyday life objects in the re-enactments of traumas during the treatment of PTSD.

Luca Vanello
