Isabel Griffiths

Mirrored Melinex Polyester film, card, paint, masking tape.
14cm x 11.5cm x 11.5cm. 1997

In 1996 I travelled to the centre of Australia: 17 hours on a bus, followed by 22 hours on a train, across the seemingly endless plane of the land and through the great big blue sky. I had never before seen such brilliant colours or open spaces, and since then have been researching into the representation of infinite space, in order to somehow remember or think about the wonderful landscape I experienced there.

During my travels I made drawings (or wonderings) of the surroundings through which I was wandering, and having returned now the journey continues, but through the worlds of my constructions - a mix of memory, imagination, daydream and discovery, simultaneously real solid objects and intangible illusion.