
Work by:
Danya Vasiliev [RU]
Nicola Unger [DE]
Michelle Teran [CAN] & Isabelle Jenniches [NL]
Nathan Menglef [USA]
Nancy Mauro-Flude [AUS]
Walter Langelaar [NL]
Jesse Darlin’ [UK]
Scot Cotterell [AUS]
Martin John Callanan [UK]

“Casting Away” by Francesca da Rimini,
“GOD LISTENS TO SLAYER” by Andrew Harper

Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts,
University of Tasmania, Hunter St, Hobart.

Exhibition: 10 October – 31 October, 12:00- 17:00 daily EST.
Exhibition Opening: Friday 10 October, 17:30 EST.

encoding_experience/10_October_2008_18:00_EST.* is the first of a series of exhibitions
inspired by the ways in which artists are embracing critical, hands on interventive
strategies towards the understanding of, and experimentation with technology.
The artists in the show open up issues of privacy, piracy and control,
paradigms that are deeply embedded into technology and the way technology
is designed.

Most of the artists favour a collaborative, socio-centric approach to their work,
they have an agenda about thinking through questions such as;
Where does the technology come from? What is the real use of a computer?
What are the social issues around regular access to domestic machines
i.e. game consoles, home stereos and digital cameras.
How do we use and question systems that tirelessly reproduce and augment environments,
image and sound?

Actively engaging with conceptual concerns, DaDa-esque notions of performance,
hacking and intellectual property; encoding_experience presents an insight into
how electronic media and craft knowledge operates in current art practice, not only
in terms of its functionality, but also in regards to artists who have a critical
approach towards the politics, aesthetics and economies coded into these systems.
The concept for this show was initiated and developed by Nancy Mauro-Flude,
in collaboration with Scot Cotterell.
More info
