Jeff Instone

Intro Geoff Cox
Camerawork as a photography gallery. Positve about technology but sceptical about its claims. Position about the work. Impossible Document - making a claim for photography as a challenge to the visual. How does Internet challenge our thoughts about the way we define art. Think about the way the internet has been historicisied - liken to the telephone and its history eg CUseeMe.

un R est [un M qui se P le L de la R] work.
Kiss the Boney STructure
I t less a participatory internet work. MOre like structure
Hyper asthethic / hyper asethesis
Aspect of wonership which detemines order in the place of things - as artists
Teh world beyond speech Part 1
Unfinished thriller. Desktop attributes,pop up menus.
Hypergraphic - virus descending into the kind of condition a computer owner has always feared. Sound and text.

Part 2
Kiss the Boney Structure
Contains in addition a 2nd work in progress - The pink and the green after book Red and the Black.
Tarzan versus IBM became Alphapville

Raymond Kremlon
Mathematical language

Brecht - Lipo words that contained the letter e not included.
Critique of structuralism.
Analytical realism ?

Eratic expression of self
Boney structure - aesthetics the bony grammar of art.
M O(less tidy)C (tidy)
M the ability to resolve the two.

Structure of title refers to graphic form of structure of ideas. A stupefying idea of irrelevance. Unity of perception - condition which allows aindividual the ability to look at various things at once.

Cause and effect , dominance, subservience, Foreground , background. Kiss - use of lips tenderly about anticipation as well as act itself.

Communcation theory and structuralism into the cat (category) Cat George A miller - the embedded cat Cat rat. Cat on the mat Parts of cat which go to making up the whole cat

Eco - new cat of predicament. The cats eye replaces that of the human.

On flagging a dead cause
Post spudnik aesthetic encourage to echo Eco
McLuhan achievments of technology to extend the self. medium is the message. AI study has provided us with physical symbol system hypothesis. Distinction of intellect and wit. Contemplation of feeling - intuition.

Allowed us to think of things as athe application of a fuzzy subset.
JMG Lacazio 1973. The giants.
Domination of technology less than cybernetic serendipity.
JF Sawers Conceptual structures Its the buzzer everytime
The stars you are already the Mercedes Man -- Lacazio's proliferation of advertising slogans.

Scale defined simply as a mammal, mythical creature which would be a mammal if it existed.
Ship - mobile entity which sails the seas which is some distance from love which is no where near hardware.

A conceptual model is arranged which forces the exclusion of other valid structures. Remove responsibiltiy the text becomes an examination of the site itself.
A form of readymade then - the site itself.
the soul is more the hum of its part - for a while makes us think like machines.
Social agents (ordinary person ) negotiation for every day. To a degree the emphsis of the digitisation of the already ahs already been detrimental. Everyting extensions of older familiar practises.

Software to satisfy everdiminishing attention spans and infortainment. I f a writing system is both picture and script. Ghost and signs - pictorial and non-pictorial. Took a revolution to show that vsiaulisation could show the invisible.

In between the between an assertion of the failed ?. Raw and the cooked

Computer scientists claim abstract process and technological push. Technoltogical determinisma cannot be ignored. innovation as much an economic activity as making of bread. Incrementalists. Each innovators of our ground. Ed ins numbingly inert however.

George Miller - cognitive limiation forgotten when we forget our entry point. Internet could be like this.

Living at the end of history in a blurred oasis we can work across a variety of forms. Repetitive scripts and inverted ones. Content is redundant it was decided. electronic writing seemed appropriate within the broad context of production and reproduction. some errors of judgement.

End of talk.

Gathered a collection of sources. Jon suggests that they could be taken from existing sites. Jeff - work should be made . Wanted an authorship - is it not ironic that the work is taken from elsewhere and yet you want to author?

Julian Weaver
Modernism M
Post M PM
BPM (Beats/bytes per minute, beyond post modernism)

Victoria - Literature. We know nothing about how we learn to read. Isn't it a problem with the world that people will not find the meaning. We should have more ee cummings and less understanding

Marion - being made to think about causality with this work. Worked with systems analysts to make a text work. did not know whether he wrote a novel or a text book. Is there an effect from the work. How can it be worked out? We should just look at the work. They are not very good at talking about it.

Is it important that it is on the internet? Not really. Between cd and internet.