Slade Press
Data Soliloquies
by Richard Hamblyn and Martin John Callanan
Data Soliloquies is a book about the extraordinary cultural fluidity of scientific data. A wide array of graphs, charts, computer models and other forms of visual advocacy have become inescapable fixtures of public science presentations, though they are often treated as if they were neutral ‘found objects’ rather than elaborate narrative constructions containing high levels of statistical uncertainty. Through a mix of essays and artworks, this witty and engaging book — the result of a collaboration between Richard Hamblyn and Martin John Callanan during their terms as writer and artist in residence at the UCL Environment Institute — examines the theatricality of scientific data display, while critiquing some of the poorly designed statistical wallpaper that surrounds so much public science debate.
Hardcover, 112 pages
ISBN 9780903305044
RRP £7.99
Furtherfield, Pau Waelder
ICA, London
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Broadway Bookshop, London
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Previous titles
Performance, Phil Coy, 2008
Between words, Elizabeth S. Clark, 2007
Diary of me II : and how the journey goes on, Malin Ståhl, 2007
Janet’s girls, Lucy Mellor, 2006
Repton A.B.C., Dryden Goodwin; text, Tony Grisoni, 2005
Penny Davis, Asaki Kan, John Green, John Wallbank, Jessica Warboys, 2004
Instruction manual to coaster/book : mfap/contextual study 1, Meg Shirayama, 2004
Images: Etchings, Caroline Isgar and Michele Roberts, 2004 *
I Went to the Slade_, M.A.T, 2003 *
Do tee Thuark-n-Bind, 2003
The sweetness under, Kate Flannery, 2002
Group publication, 2001
4.28.; Issue no. one, June 2001, Gentleman’s agreement and hostile takeover : views on art and economy, 2001
Group publication, 2001
PJ Keeling, 2000
Translation, 2000
Man goat and grocery store, 1999
Superstition, Mayumi Kinoshita, 1999
Hot*bed, 1998
Text singers, 1998
Surface 1, 1998
Marseilles en juin, 1998
Suspended particles, Lindsey Routh, 1998
Nonconformist, David Henningham
copies of all Slade Press publications are held by UCL Library Services

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