Examples of some Framing & mounting Options

Frames and Mounts

Metro Imaging have some useful photographs of different framing and mounting techniques including:

Light Boxes

Mounting to almuinium with split batons

Face mounting to perpsex / plexi (Diasec mounting)

Box Frame

Floating Box Frame

Classic Photo Frame

Keyline Photo Frame

Tray Photo Frame


See our list of suppliers for other framers who can also offer most of these services


Here’s a picture of a float mounted print. The print is attached with archival tape to a mount board so the print is not flattened but sits on top of the board. Float mounted prints are usually displayed inside a tray or box frame. Any paper based print (screen print etc) or drawing can be float mounted like this.

Consider how much border you want around the edges when the print is mounted. This example has a wide border which works as the paper is hand cut and not straight.


float mount IMG_1438


Attaching prints directly to a wall

options include but aren’t limited to:

Using pins or nails which will make a hole in the print corners

Bulldog clips attached to a pin or nail to grip a corner look a bit bulky but don’t pierce the print (but can leave indents where the clips have gripped the print)

Magnets can be used on the front of the prints and a steel washer screwed or fixed to the wall. The example here is at the Slade Print Fair where a long magnetic strip sits behind the top edge of the print.

A good selection of magnets at low cost can be found on amazon and Ebay amongst many others- search for neodymium magnets.

