Shukla Sawant
Living as we do today, in a multilayered, multifaceted society informed by technology, there can be no immaculate conception of cultural expression. My recent work engages with the idea that everything refers to something else and appropriation embodies a form of repetition that like evolution, generates a sense of organic continuity.
Science and technology have given us a range of devices that allow us to blur boundaries between the indexical, the symbolic and the imaginary. It has also given us the choice to translocate between cultures, whereby the myth of pure monolithic cultures gets eroded even further. The idea of the original and its existence in multiples is one kind of paradox of printmaking. A recognition of the capacity for meaning inherent in materials and the way in which they are worked makes printmaking the perfect metaphor to break down the artificial constructs that try to establish hierarchies between originals, multiples appropriated images and the object in itself.