Slade School of Fine Art


Deciding Whether to Worship His Own Power or the Power of His Own, 2012, performance and installation, dimension varies
Deciding Whether to Worship His Own Power or the Power of His Own, 2012, performance and installation, dimension varies
Albert Einstein Once Said Something About the Residue of Time Wasted, 2012, photograph, 75 x 120 cm
Albert Einstein Once Said Something About the Residue of Time Wasted, 2012, photograph, 75 x 120 cm
Metro Series (Detail of Metro - Thursday, October 27, 2011, p. 5), 2011 - now, defaced newspaper in frame, 40 x 34 cm each
Metro Series (Detail of Metro - Thursday, October 27, 2011, p. 5), 2011 - now, defaced newspaper in frame, 40 x 34 cm each
Plus-Minus-Zero, 2010, video, 3'00
Plus-Minus-Zero, 2010, video, 3'00"
<p>Demolishing Rumor, 2010, installation, 75 x 150 x 150 cm</p>

Demolishing Rumor, 2010, installation, 75 x 150 x 150 cm

Untitled (Tennessee Williams), 2011, marker pen on wall, dimension varies
Untitled (Tennessee Williams), 2011, marker pen on wall, dimension varies

Morgan Wong