Slade School of Fine Art


<p>The 21st Century Handmade, 2012, mixed media, varied</p>

The 21st Century Handmade, 2012, mixed media, varied

<p>Metal Protection,  2012, mixed media, varied</p>

Metal Protection, 2012, mixed media, varied

<p>Hand Scar, 2012, aluminium, 200 x 150 mm</p>

Hand Scar, 2012, aluminium, 200 x 150 mm

<p>Skull Painting, 2012, metal frame, acrylic on canvas, 220 x 220 x 260 mm</p>

Skull Painting, 2012, metal frame, acrylic on canvas, 220 x 220 x 260 mm

<p>The Houz Khas Structure, 2013, photographic print, 1189 x 841 mm each image</p>

The Houz Khas Structure, 2013, photographic print, 1189 x 841 mm each image

Ayesha Singh