Eun Phil Cho - Slade Shows 2005
Mad Blue World
2005, sculpture (installation)
300 x 450 x 250(approx)


  Blue was the colour I remember best; it was the colour I have always been in love with and the colour that has been the unchanging filter in my perception of objects. Every part of my childhood recollections from that time involved in some way, shape and form of the colour blue. For instance, I had often chosen blue for items such as clothing and dolls, so much so that most of the materials I was surrounded by was of the colour blue. Even now, as I stand back to examine this space called my reflecting room, I am overwhelmed by the colour blue. My entire room, the duvet, the drapes, and there is a light that seems blue emanating from the windows to give brilliant blue glow to the features of the room. Even the pyjamas that I wear to sleep are blue, the music that I listen to is blue, and therefore, I am somehow, the embodiment of blue.