Wikis enable learners to learn from each other as they create text together. Wikis also let teachers see what learners have learned or misunderstood, or where there are gaps in their knowledge.
A wiki is a jointly created and edited text hosted online.
It allows learners to reinforce their new knowledge – for example after a lecture or a reading.
Learners can also use wikis to share information with peers – for example, to report their own research from the workplace.
They allow collaborative learning even when learners don't meet face to face (for example, if your course is online only).
How to design your course activities using wikis
You could ask learners to:
- explain an area of ‘troublesome knowledge’ (difficult concepts or counterintuitive course content)
- write one or two points each about what they've understood from a reading or lecture
- read each other’s work and edit it, or suggest edits, (or simply add more text)
- answer questions you set in the wiki
Before you start, explain:
- what the overall objective of the wiki is (for example, to try and solve a particular problem)
- how you expect learners to contribute (for example, add text and comment on others’ texts)
- whether the activity will count towards course marks/credits