Examples of questions you can ask learners after they have completed a course to gather feedback.
Every question you include in a survey must have a purpose. Surveys should be as short and concise as possible. It is unlikely you would want to include all the example questions below.
General questions
- What were your learning objectives? (if you haven’t asked this prior to starting the course)
- Rate your overall experience of the course (from very good to very poor)
- How likely are you to recommend this course to a friend/colleague? (from very likely to very unlikely)
- How did this course develop you professionally?
- What will you do differently now you've attended the course?
- As a result of taking this course, how likely are you to…..? (include some of the learning outcomes that are relevant)
- What did you like most / least in the course?
To measure whether the learning has met the participants’ expectations
- The course met my expectations (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The course met my needs (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The topics covered were relevant to the course (strongly agree to strongly disagree)
To measure course design
- The course pages were easy to navigate (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The course pages were attractive (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The information ws pitched at the right level, e.g. too low/simple, too high/complex (frrom strongly agree to strongly disagree)
To measure the activities
- The activities were clearly explained (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The activities were useful (list out the various elements and allow to grade)
- Which activities did you find most useful? Why? (list out the various elements and allow to grade)
- The timing of activities was appropriate for the content (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The sequence of the activities was right (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The instructions were clear (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
To measure student/tutor engagement
- I was provided with many opportunities to interact with fellow students on the course (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- I was provided with many opportunities to interact with my tutor(s) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
To measure tutor support and teaching
- The course material was useful (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The tutor was engaging (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- The tutor provided helpful feedback (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
- Rate the tutoring provision/competence (from very good to very poor)
To measure impact of learning - open-ended questions
- Give an example of how you'll apply what you learnt in this course in your job
- Give (up to three) examples where the learning has helped to improve your performance at work
- Which topic(s) would you have liked additional or follow-up content for?
To collect marketing data
- How did you hear about this course? (give multiple choice options of all the places you promoted it, plus ‘other’ in case they heard about it in a way you did not expect)
- Why did you sign up to this course?
- How interested would you be in a course about…? Test ideas for other courses