Research that explores the heritage landscape and the effects of environmental and climate change and weathering.
Student publications on landscape and environmental heritage
- On moisture and weather
Orr, S.A., Viles, H.A, Leslie, A., Stelfox, D., Comparability of non-invasive moisture measurement techniques on masonry during artificial post-rainspell drying, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone (2016) 431-438
Orr, S.A., Young, M., Stelfox, D., Leslie, A., Curran, J. and Viles, H.A., An 'isolated diffusion' gravimetric calibration procedure for radar and microwave moisture measurement in porous building stone, Journal of Applied Geophysics 163 (2019) 1-12
Orr, S.A. and Viles, H.A., Characterisation of building exposure to wind-driven rain in the UK and evaluation of current standards, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 180 (2018) 88-97Orr, S.A., Young, M., Stelfox, D., Curran, J. and Viles, H., Wind-driven rain and future risk to built heritage in the United Kingdom: Novel metrics for characterising rain spells, Science of the Total Environment 640-641 (2018) 1098-1111
Richards, J. Bailey, R., Mayaud, J., Viles, H., Guo, Q. & Wang, X., Deterioration risk of dryland earthen heritage sites facing future climatic uncertainty, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 16419.
Richards, J., Viles, H. & Guo, Q., The importance of wind as a driver of earthen heritage deterioration in dryland environments, Geomorphology 369 (2020) 107363.
Richards, J., Zhao, G., Zhang, H. and Viles, H., A controlled field experiment to investigate the deterioration of earthen heritage by wind and rain, Heritage Science 7:51 (2019)
- On archaeology
Higham, R., & Carey, C., The Durrington Walls Sarsen Burial relocated and reconsidered, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 112 (2019) 74-84
Carey, C. & Higham, R., Multiple identities in the Beaker period: interpreting inhumations out of the Beaker spotlight in southern England, Archaeological Journal 177:1 (2019) 1-30
- On water regulation
Tibby, J., Richards, J., Tyler, J., Barr, C., Fluin, J. and Goonan, P., Diatom-water quality thresholds in South Australia in streams indicate the need for more stringent water quality guidelines, Marine and Freshwater Research (2019)
Tibby, J., Barr, C., Marshall, J.C., Richards, J., Perna, C., Fluin, J. and Cadd, H.R., Assessing the relative impacts of land‐use change and river regulation on Burdekin River (Australia) floodplain wetlands, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2019)
- Other publications on landscape and environmental heritage
Orr, S., Land-use regression modelling of highway ultrafine particle number concentrations, Canadian Young Scientist Journal 1 (2014) 1-10
Orr, S.A., Data fusion to synthesise quantitative evidence, value and socio-economic factors: a framework and example of Dempster-Shafer theory, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings (EEHB) (2018) 163-171
Richards, J., Orr, S.A. and Viles, H.A., Reconceptualising the relationships between heritage and environment within an Earth System Science framework, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 10:2 (2019) 122-129
Richards, J., Wang, Y., Orr, S.A. and Viles, H., Finding Common Ground between United Kingdom Based and Chinese Approaches to Earthen Heritage Conservation, Sustainability 10:9 (2018)
Taye, Blen & Lahoz, Ruth & Caldeira, Ana & Schiavon, Nick, Efficacy of laser cleaning in the removal of biological patina on the volcanic scoria of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia, Environmental Earth Sciences 77 (2018)