
SEAHA Centre for Doctoral Training


Built heritage

Research on conservation of historical buildings, including use of BIM for heritage, seismic protection, weathering, degradation of materials used on heritage properties such as lime mortar.

Student publications on built heritage

On lime mortar

Fusade, L., Orr, S.A., Wood, C., O'Dowd, M. and Viles, H.A., Drying response of lime-mortar joints in granite masonry after an intense rainfall and after repointingHeritage Science 7:38 (2019)

Fusade, L., Viles, H., Wood, C. and Burns, C., The effect of wood ash on the properties and durability of lime mortar for repointing damp historic buildingsConstruction and Building Materials 212 (2019) 500-513

Fusade, L. and Viles, H., A comparison of standard and realistic curing conditions of natural hydraulic lime repointing mortar for damp masonry: impact on laboratoryJournal of Cultural Heritage 37 (2018) 82-93

On mould

Morena Ferreira, Josep Grau-Bove, Luca Mazzei, Nigel Blades, Tobit Curteis, Hector Altamirano & Jane Faull, The Influence of Water Activity and Air Movement in Preventing Mould in Historic MaterialsStudies in Conservation, 63:sup1 (2018) 348-350 

On moisture, rain & weather 

Michette, M., Lorenz, R. and Ziegert, C, Clay barriers for protecting historic buildings from ground moisture intrusionHeritage Science, 5:31 (2017) 1-11

Orr, S.A., et al., Moisture monitoring of stone masonry: A comparison of microwave and radar on a granite wall and a sandstone towerJournal of Cultural Heritage, 2020. 41: p. 61-73.  

Orr, S.A., Cassar, M., Exposure Indices of Extreme Wind-Driven Rain Events for Built Heritage, Atmosphere 2020, 11:163. 

Orr, S.A., Young, M., Stelfox, D., Leslie, A., Curran, J. and Viles, H.A., An 'isolated diffusion' gravimetric calibration procedure for radar and microwave moisture measurement in porous building stoneJournal of Applied Geophysics 163 (2019) 1-12

Orr, S.A. and Viles, H.A., Characterisation of building exposure to wind-driven rain in the UK and evaluation of current standards, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 180 (2018) 88-97

Orr, S.A., Young, M., Stelfox, D., Curran, J. and Viles, H., Wind-driven rain and future risk to built heritage in the United Kingdom: Novel metrics for characterising rain spellsScience of the Total Environment 640-641 (2018) 1098-1111

Richards, J. Bailey, R., Mayaud, J., Viles, H., Guo, Q. & Wang, X., Deterioration risk of dryland earthen heritage sites facing future climatic uncertainty, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 16419. 

Richards, J., Viles, H. & Guo, Q., The importance of wind as a driver of earthen heritage deterioration in dryland environmentsGeomorphology 369 (2020) 107363. 

Richards, J., et al., Effect of substrate type on diatom-based water quality assessments in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Hydrobiologia, 847:14 (2020), p. 3077-3090. 

Richards, J., Zhao, G., Zhang, H. and Viles, H., A controlled field experiment to investigate the deterioration of earthen heritage by wind and rainHeritage Science 7:51 (2019)

On Building Information Modelling (BIM) for heritage

Pocobelli, D. P., Boehm, J., Bryan, P., Still, J., and Grau-Bové, J, BIM for Heritage Science: a reviewHeritage Science 6:30 (2018)

Pocobelli, D. P., Boehm, J., Bryan, P., Still, J., and Grau-Bové, J., Building Information Models for monitoring and simulation data in heritage buildings, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2 (2018) 909-916

Other publications on built heritage

Fouseki, K.; Newton, D.; Murillo Camacho, K.S.; Nandi, S.; Koukou, T. Energy Efficiency, Thermal Comfort, and Heritage Conservation in Residential Historic Buildings as Dynamic and Systemic Socio-Cultural Practices. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 604.

Patricia Sanmartín, Richard Grove, Rafael Carballeira, Heather Viles, Impact of colour on the bioreceptivity of granite to the green alga Apatococcus lobatus: Laboratory and field testing, Science of The Total Environment 745 (2020) 

Grove, R., Pim, J.E., Serrano, M., Cidrás, D., Viles, H. and Sanmartin, P., Pastoral Stone Enclosures as Biological Cultural Heritage: Galician and Cornish Examples of Community Conservation, Land 2020 9(1). 

Michette, M., Viles, H., Vlachou-Mogire, C. & Angus, I. (2020). Assessing the Long-term Success of Reigate Stone Conservation at Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of LondonStudies in Conservation.

Michette, Martin & Bichlmair, Stefan & Kilian, Ralf, Diagnosing Decay Mechanisms at the Porta Nocera Necropolis, Pompeii: The First Step Towards Effective Preventive ConservationStudies in Conservation 63 (2018) 195-202

Dzhordzhio Naldzhiev et al., An experimental study of spray foam insulation products-evidence of 1,2-dichloropropane and 1,4-dioxane emissions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609:4 (2019) 042053

D. Naldzhiev, Robots can reduce the exposure of people to VOCs during application of spray foam insulation, Proceedings from Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia - Changsha, China - October 22-25, 2019 (2019)

Dzhordzhio Naldzhiev, Dejan Mumovic, Matija Strlic, Polyurethane insulation and household products – A systematic review of their impact on indoor environmental quality, Building and Environment 169 (2020)

Naldzhiev, Dzhordzhio & Group, CIBSE, Breathe Easy -Volatile Organic Compounds (2019) Technical report

Naldzhiev, D; Mumovic, D; Strlic, M, Method development for measuring volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rates from spray foam insulation (SPF) and their interrelationship with indoor air quality (IAQ), human health and ventilation strategies, in Proceedings of the 38th AIVC Conference, 2017 - Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings. AIVC: Nottingham, UK (2017)

Turco, M. G., and Pocobelli, D. P, Aghios Konstantinos church in Athens: Conservation planningSGEM 2016 Proceedings (2016)

Pocobelli, D. P., and Turco, M. G, Structural consolidation of Aghios Konstantinos Church, Athens’ Athens Journal of Architecture 4:2 (2018) 217-238

Richards, J., Mayaud, J., Zhan, H., Wu, F., Bailey, R., and Viles, H., Modelling the risk of deterioration at earthen heritage sites in drylandsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms (2020) 

Richards, J., Wang, Y., Orr, S.A. and Viles, H., Finding Common Ground between United Kingdom Based and Chinese Approaches to Earthen Heritage ConservationSustainability 10:9 (2018)

Talbot, R., Hashemi, A., Ip, K., Picco, M., Greenfield, D., & Arbuthnot, E., A review of thermal and hygrothermal requirements in historic churches, in K. Sojkova, J. Zelezna, P. Hajek, J. Tywoniak, & A. Lupisek (Eds.), YRSB19 - iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building (2019) 233-241 

Taye, Blen & Lahoz, Ruth & Caldeira, Ana & Schiavon, Nick, Efficacy of laser cleaning in the removal of biological patina on the volcanic scoria of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, EthiopiaEnvironmental Earth Sciences 77 (2018)

View all SEAHA publications


Student projects on built heritage

  • Krisangella Sofia Murillo Camacho, User-driven Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings
  • Morena Ferreira, Micro-environmental control for the mitigation of mould growth in indoor heritage
  • Lucie Fusade, Pointing Mortars for Controlling Driving-Rain Ingress in Damp Towers
  • Blen Taye Gemeda, A holistic approach to diagnosing the deterioration of rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, Ethiopia
  • Richard Grove, Improving the evaluation of conservation treatments for deteriorating sandstone in built heritage
  • Martin Michette, Developing preventive conservation strategies for ‘problem stones’: Reigate Stone at the Tower of London
  • Polly Morris, Seismic protection of heritage structures through vibrating barriers 
  • Dzhordzhio Naldzhiev, Novel Retrofit Technology Incorporating Robots for Lower Energy Healthy Buildings
  • Scott Orr, ‘Wet walls’: Developing 4D moisture survey techniques for historic buildings
  • Danae Pocobelli, Building Information Models from Monitoring and Simulation Data in Heritage Buildings
  • Jennifer Richards, Learning from nature:  evaluating site-based conservation approaches to mitigating climatic risks to earthen heritage sites in N W China
  • Robin Talbot, Retrofitting space heating systems for historic churches: meeting the needs of conservation, community and environmental sustainability
  • Chryssa Thoua, Total Performance of ‘Passivhaus’ Schools – Making Heritage Schools Fit for Purpose
  • Vladimir Vilde, Comparison of painting lining methods for historic house environments
  • Frida Vonstad, Engineering and Archaeology in Construction and Conservation Projects: Developing Interdisciplinary Techniques and Methodologies

Heritage Science Podcast on Polluted Buildings

Dr Josep Grau-Bove from UCL's Institute for Sustainable Heritage and SEAHA student Danae Pocobelli explain how polluted buildings are being examined and recorded with cutting-edge computational models. 

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