
SEAHA Centre for Doctoral Training


Blen Taye Gemeda

DPhil student, University of Oxford

Project Title 

A holistic approach to diagnosing the deterioration of rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, Ethiopia

Background & Summary of Project

Blen is a DPhil student at the University of Oxford. She has a BSc in Architecture and Urban planning and an MSc in Archaeological Material Sciences.  She is interested in stone deterioration of built cultural heritage and has worked on the condition survey of Ba'ta Gabriel church and Tiya steles in Ethiopia.  Her DPhil research focuses on developing a methodology to diagnose deterioration in rock-cut heritage sites. She is currently studying the deterioration of rock-hewn churches at Lalibela, Ethiopia. 



Taye, Blen & Lahoz, Ruth & Caldeira, Ana & Schiavon, Nick. (2018). Efficacy of laser cleaning in the removal of biological patina on the volcanic scoria of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77. 10.1007/s12665-017-7223-3.