SEAHA students host the first ever Heritage Science Hackathon
9 April 2019
Join us on the 18-19th May for the first ever Heritage Science Hackathon at UCL Here East in Stratford. Participants will work in groups to think of new solutions to problems posed by participating institutions. As an added bonus, the winners of the hackathon have the option to apply for a further £10,000 develop their project and see it working within the community.
What is a hackathon?
A hackathon is a short period of time (in this case a weekend) in which domain level experts join together to work collaboratively on projects. It emerged from the tech community in which people would ‘hack’ together software. The goal of a hackathon is to come up with new solutions to old, well identified problems.
Do I need to code to attend?
No! This is a hackathon for everyone, specifically for heritage science professionals. It is not about creating fancy apps, but rather to think of solutions faced by small institutions.
Will there be food?
Yes, and some wine.
Sounds interesting? Sign up for a free ticket below.