Built Heritage Public Lecture on BIM for earthquake damage
6 August 2018

We are pleased to announce that the SEAHA Built Heritage Group and UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage are hosting a public lecture on the 19th September:
ARIM (Assessment Reconstruction Information Modelling): A BIM procedure to prevent and reconstruct earthquakes’ damages – Prof. Tommaso Empler and PhD student Adriana Caldarone, from Sapienza University of Rome.
Lecture abstract
The Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, with a research unit called “Urban Seismic Risk: Prevention and Reconstruction”, since 2016 is investigating a double BIM (Building Information Modelling) path connected to natural disasters: prevention and reconstruction. The focus is to investigate how small towns (villages) – made up of vernacular buildings – can join a BIM procedure. We are no longer speaking of HBIM (Historic Building Information Modelling), but of ARIM (Assessment Reconstruction Information Modeling). The main topic is linked to “data fusion”, where interdisciplinary skills meet up, ranging from historical sector, to surveying, urban planning, restoration, structures and design. How should data be organised? What are the local regulations? Where – and how – research and the professional world meet each other? These are the topics of a seminar where different cultures and different research fields can be compared to find some common denominators.
Prof. Tommaso Empler and PhD student Adriana Caldarone work in the Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture (Italian acronym DSDRA) in the Architecture faculty of Sapienza University of Rome. The Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture (Italian acronym DSDRA) was established on July 1, 2010 following a structural reorganisation of “Sapienza University of Rome”. Research objectives of the Department focus on: History of Architecture, including the study of historiographic theories and methods, single historical buildings, cities, smaller towns and landscape; Drawing, including representation methods, the history of representation, the latest architectural and territorial representation and survey techniques, graphics, and design; Restoration, including theories and methods of conservative restoration, the elaboration of conservation and restoration projects, the consolidation of surfaces, and structural consolidation.
Interdisciplinary researches topics are ICT, Seismic Risk, BIM-HBIM-ARIM.
Header image: the ARIM procedure applied to the town of Grisciano (Accumoli). Grisciano is one of the towns that have been heavily damaged by the 2016 earthquake that hit Central Italy.