
Safety Services


T100 Lite Toolkit

T100 is a systematic way of identifying, assessing and controlling risks that arise from your department’s activities. The T100 Lite Toolkit is designed specifically to help low-hazard departments by providing user friendly guidance and templates that are suitable for Low Hazard departments.

Who is this toolkit for? 

This toolkit has been created for local use by the department and its Departmental Safety Officers and it contains guidance on how to meet the requirements of T100 Lite, as well as resources such as evidence trackers, checklists and templates. 

How do you use this toolkit? 

The first step is to  review the T100 Lite measures and collate the suitable evidence such as accident records on riskNET, a training matrix, minutes of meetings, handbooks and inspections . You may want to use a shared drive, a Teams channel or SharePoint to keep all these documents in one place. These are good locations as the most up-to-date documents will be available to staff.

Ensure that your Lead Safety Advisor has been given appropriate permissions to access these documents with ease so they can review and validate your evidence. When all the evidence has been validated, your department will achieve T100 Lite certification.