Containment Levels
Biological agents that may cause harm must be handled in a contained environment.
> Containment levels at UCL
> Containment Level requirements for facilities
> Loss of containment
Containment Levels at UCL
At UCL activities involving biological agents are carried out in specially designed laboratories. These are described in COSHH as Containment Levels (CL). The requirements for the 4 different containment levels (CL1, CL2, CL3, CL4) are a combination of facilities design, safety equipment and working practices. As the CL number increases the level of control also increses. CL1 has minimum level of control, whilst CL4 has the highest level of controls. See Containment Level requirements for facilities, Schedule 3 part II of COSHH and Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014 part 2
Higher levels are containment are required for biological agents that are of higher hazard to people and or the environment. Hazard groups correlate to, but do not equate to the Containment Level. A risk assessment is required to confirm the CL required for work with biological agents. It is important to recognise that Hazard Group (HG) 1 organisms can be handled at any containment level, however, HG 3 microorganisms should be handled at CL3 or can be handled at CL4 but not at lower containment. There are some exceptions where derogations or relaxation of the rules can be requested on measures, however, this will require a discussion with the BioChem team in Safety Services to apply to permission from the HSE. More information can be found in the Approved List of Biological Agents.
Genetically Modified (GM) materials are categorised by Class and the class is determined by the controls measures required which also reflects the containment level required. This is documented in the risk assessments required to be able to handle Genetically Modified Materials.
- Containment Level Requirements for facilities
The table below provides the requirements for containment facilities where wild type microorganisms and genetically modified organisms are handled. The information covers Containment level 1 to 3. UCL does not have any Containment level 4 facilities.
Containment measures CL1 CL2 CL3 Laboratory suite separate from other activities in the same building. not required not required required Laboratory sealability for fumigation not required not required required Surfaces impervious to water, resistant to alkalis, solvents, disinfectants, and decontamination agents and easy to clean required for any bench required for any bench required for any bench, floor, ceiling, and walls Entry to laboratory via an airlock /ante room separated from the restricted area by changing facilities with interlocked doors not required not required required where risk assessment shows it is required Negative pressure of the immediate surroundings not required not required required except of activities where transmission doesn't occur by the airborne route. Extract and input air from the laboratory must be HEPA filtered not required not required HEPA filters required for extract air except for activities where transmission does not occur by the airborne route. Microbiological safety cabinet /enclosure to handle infective material not required required where to extent risk assessment shows it is required Required and all procedures with infected materials required to be contained within a cabinet enclosure Autoclave required on site required in the building required in the laboratory suite. If not in the suite a validated procedures required for safe transport Incinerator available available available Access restricted to authorised personnel only not required required required Biohazard sign on door not required required required Specific measures to control aerosol dissemination not required required so as to minimise required so as to prevent Shower not required not required required where risk assessment shows it is required Protective clothing suitable protective clothing required suitable protective clothing required suitable protective clothing required; footwear required where to extent risk assessment shows it is required Gloves not required required where to extent risk assessment shows it is required required Efficient control of disease vectors (e.g., rodents, insects) which could disseminate Wild type microorganisms and GMM required where to extent risk assessment shows they are required required required Inactivation of GMM in effluent from hand-washing sinks and showers and similar effluents not required not required Required where and to extent risk assessment shows it is required Specified disinfection procedures good practice required required Inactivation of GMM in contaminated material and waste not required required by validated means required by validated means, with waste inactivated within the laboratory suite Laboratory to contain its own equipment not required not required Required so far as is reasonably practicable An observation window or alternative is to be present so that occupants can be seen required where and to extent the risk assessment shows it is required required where and to extent the risk assessment shows it is required required where and to extent the risk assessment shows it is required Safe storage of GMMs required where and to required o extent the risk assessment shows it is required required required Written records of staff training Not required required where and to extent risk assessment shows it is required required Further information can be found in Schedule 3 part II of COSHH and Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014 part 2.
- Loss of containment
Containment in CL2 and CL3 is maintained by the HVAC that supplies the lab and extracts air from Microbiological Safety cabinets. If the HVAC fails there is no guarantee that containment is being maintained. Therefore work should be made safe and the area should be evacuated to minimise the risk of exposure to hazardous biological agents.
Any loss of containment resulting in the release or escape of a biological agent likely to cause severe human infection or illness will require a notification to the HSE under Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
Severe human infection or illness is casued by biological agents in Hazard Groups 3 and 4. The list of Hazard group 3 and 4 agents can be found in the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) Approved list of biological agents.
In this event, raise a riskNET report and contact the Safety Services as soon as possible.
Last updated: Tuesday, January 17, 2023