
Safety Services


Non-UCL staff working with ionising radiation at UCL ​

The Radiation Protection Supervisor must report any non-UCL staff working with ionising radiation to the Radiation Protection Team at least 28 days in advance of any planned work.

Any person that works with ionising radiation in a UCL managed area, but does not hold a contract of employment with UCL, is considered to be an outside worker.

The departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor must contact the Radiation Protection Team at least 28 days in advance of any planned work, with the following information: ​

  • The name of the person’s employer as well as the name and contact details of the person in the organisation responsible for managing radiation protection.
  • A description of the work to be carried out, including the type of likely radiation exposure and the UCL Radiation Project Number.
  • A summary of the person's experience of working with ionising radiation.

Email the Radiation Protection Team →

Last updated: Tuesday, November 29, 2022