Safe decanting of liquid nitrogen training
This practical workshop is for all UCL staff and postgraduate students who either use or supervise others who work with liquid nitrogen.
Course description
This practical workshop will give you the opportunity to practice how to decant liquid nitrogen safely.
Participants who wish to undertake a decant fill into the working flask must bring and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment - this includes eye protection, safety shoes or boots and protective gloves.
You must have successfully completed the eLearning course Liquid Nitrogen in the Workplace.
All safety instructor-led training courses are delivered by our team of safety experts.
This course gives practical safety awareness of working with liquid nitrogen and includes a demonstration on how to safely decant liquid nitrogen from a pressurised vessel into a dewar.
- Pipework identification and safe operation of vessels
- Risk assessments
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Safe procedures for filling and use of liquid nitrogen in open dewars and flasks
- Demonstration of practical decanting of liquid nitrogen
- Safe use of liquid nitrogen in dewars and flasks
Target audience
All staff and postgraduate students who either use or supervise others who work with liquid nitrogen.
Training courses are free to UCL staff however your Department will be charged £50 if you fail to attend when booked on a course. Non-attendance at first aid courses will incur a higher non-attendance fee.
Late applications
If you have not received your confirmation notification from the MyHR Mailer please contact Safety Services on 020 3108 8592 or email to
External delegates
Places to external delegates are only offered if there is spare capacity on an instructor-led course.
Please contact to be placed on a waiting list stating the course title and date you wish to join.
Last updated: Thursday, June 18, 2020