
Safety Services


Vacating UCL Space / Premises

This page provides information on mechanisms by which departments can fulfil their duty when persons and constituent groups leave UCL or vacate UCL space and premises.

Guidance documents

Please refer to the listed documents below for further information.

Safety when vacating areas at UCL

When a department’s work has ceased or is re-located, it requires those responsible for that work to ensure that substances, materials and equipment are disposed of or removed from work and storage areas when employees leave or relocate. The workspace must be left in a condition that is free from hazards, unwanted materials and equipment for occupation by new groups and individuals.

The principles to follow to safely vacate an area are:

  • Inform all persons who may be affected.
  • Dispose of what is no longer needed through the correct channels.
  • Keep what may be of use, but check with incoming group.
  • Make the area and equipment safe.
  • Keep the area secure.

Safety when vacating areas at UCL (pdf)​ →

Laboratory clearance certificate

A clearance certificate must be compelted for every laboratory vacated. The declaration must be signed by the manager responsible for the area. A copy of the clearance certificate must be kept by the department for records, posted on the door and a copy given to the project officer if requested.

Laboratory clearance certificate (doc)​ →

Equipment decontamination certificate 

An equipment decontamination certificate must be completed when preparing equipment for disposal, routine service/maintenance/repair, after a spill or for relocation.  A copy of this certificate must remain with the equipment and a copy retained for departmental records.

Equipment decontamination certificate (doc)​ →

Last updated: Friday, July 17, 2020