
Safety Services


Plan early for safe and successful fieldwork

31 July 2023

UCL expects that each department has clear arrangements, roles and responsibilities and a robust approval process for fieldwork.


It is vital that all fieldwork is planned sufficiently in advance of the intended departure to allow the institution to consider the proposal in suitable detail and approve it at an appropriate level.

Conversely, many instances of fieldwork at UCL are routine and low risk and may necessitate very limited planning, relying in the main on generic risk assessments and procedures.

Departments must have robust authorisation and approval processes for fieldwork.

Top tips for planning fieldwork

Off-site Working Itinerary

Undertake a suitable and sufficient fieldwork risk assessment

  • Consider all stages including travel to and from the fieldwork destination and what to do if a difficult situation arises.
  • Focus on guiding principles.
  • Ensure safe operating procedures are in place and people have been trained on relevant equipment.


Using vehicles for fieldwork

  • Comprehensive insurance cover is provided for any vehicle owned or hired by UCL.
  • Vehicles hired outside of the UK are not included under the UK policy and must be insured overseas by the hire company.
  • Policy on driving minibuses.

Emergency planning

  • Register on SafeZone app.
  • Report all incidents and have a robust emergency response plan.

Monitoring and review

  • Conduct a debriefing session after fieldwork and share lessons learnt with others via Departmental Safety Committees and review and update existing guidance.

Where can I get further information?

> Fieldwork
Framework for starting or resuming fieldwork at non-UCL settings


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