Lab workers in a wet lab experienced temporary eye injuries from an unknown hazard. As part of our commitment to a safe and healthy work environment, we're sharing key learnings from this incident.
As part of UCL’s positive Health and Safety culture, where lessons are learned following an accident, this will be communicated to UCL as a whole so that the university can learn and improve together.
Following an incident in which several people sustained injuries, the subsequent investigation identified areas for improvement that affect the whole of UCL.
Key learnings
1. PPE usage in wet labs
- Lead by example: Line managers and supervisors must model appropriate PPE use by consistently adhering to the UCL Personal Protective Equipment within Wet Laboratories Standard.
- Enforce Standard within local rules: The Standard must be consistently enforced within the department's local rules of each laboratory and department.
- Task-specific PPE: Ensure the use of appropriate PPE for each specific task, adhering to the minimum standards outlined in the UCL PPE within Wet Laboratories Standard.
2. Risk assessment procedures
Regular reviews
- Conduct regular reviews of risk assessments to ensure they accurately reflect current conditions.
- Record significant changes, including:
- Changes in laboratory location.
- Introduction of new equipment or procedures.
- Updates to relevant UCL safety standards.
- Introduction of new tasks involving existing equipment.
Competency-based approach
- Ensure risk assessments address the competence requirements of everybody involved in the activity, including:
- All staff must receive appropriate training.
- The level of supervision required will vary based on individual competence levels.
Adherence to the UCL Risk Assessment Standard
- All risk assessments must adhere to the UCL Risk Assessment Standard.
- Safety Services provides training for risk assessors and reviewers.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) or Supervisory Academic must be involved in the approval of all risk assessments.
Implementation of the risk assessment
- Competency verification
- All staff must be deemed competent to perform the tasks assigned to them. This aligns with T100 Level 1 measure 3.75 (activities defined where supervision is required until the person is deemed competent).
- Competence can be verified through a combination of:
- Demonstration of correct procedures by a competent individual.
- Observation of the staff member performing the task under supervision ("shadowing").
- Competence of supervisors: Ensure that the individuals demonstrating procedures and providing supervision are themselves fully competent in the relevant tasks.
- Record keeping: Maintain accurate records of all staff competencies in accordance with local departmental procedures.
3. Safety Risk Management training
- Mandatory safety training for line managers: All staff with line management responsibilities must complete the Safety Risk Management training programme. This training ensures awareness of their health and safety obligations and aligns with T100 Level 1 measure 3.73.
- Departmental responsibility: Departments are responsible for ensuring that all relevant staff have completed the Safety Risk Management training programme.
4. LEV and air handling systems
- Fit-for-purpose systems: Departments must take responsibility for ensuring that all Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems and air handling systems within their building are in proper working order and suitable for their intended use.
- Equipment quarantine: Any equipment identified as having a safety defect must be immediately quarantined until repairs are completed and verified.
- Prompt corrective action: All identified defects and recommendations from safety inspections must be addressed and rectified in a timely manner.
- Record keeping: Departments must maintain accurate records of all air handling system balancing procedures, including those conducted after maintenance, repairs, or the installation of new equipment. This includes any ducted fume cupboards or other LEV systems.