Browse the profiles of UCL researchers in robotics below.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abad Guaman, Sara
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Bio-inspired Robotics | Haptics | Human-Robot Interaction | Legged Robotics | Mechanism Design | Soft Robotics | Virtual/Augmented Reality | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications | Materials
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Field Robotics | Search & Rescue | Animaloid Robotics | Medical Diagnostics | Rehabilitation | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons
Abolfathi, Ali
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Bio-inspired Robotics | Legged Robotics | Mechanism Design
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Construction | Education | Field Robotics | Search & Rescue | Humanoid Robotics | Animaloid Robotics
Anvari, Bani
Dept of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Haptics | Virtual/Augmented Reality | Human-Robot Interaction
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport
Research Project
iSeat - Towards an intelligent driver seat for autonomous cars
Bano, Sophia
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Computer Vision | Localization and Mapping | Multi-Robot Systems
Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Birchall, Martin
The Ear Institute
Bio-inspired Robotics | Control Systems | Human-Robot Interaction | Soft Robotics
Surgery | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons
Boehm, Jan
Dept of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Computer Vision | Sensor Systems | Virtual/Augmented Reality | LiDAR, photogrammetry, UAV
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Field Robotics | Fabrication and Manufacturing | Search & Rescue | Construction | Education
Research Projects
Curiosity-driven 3D Object Detection without Labels
Semantic segmentation of cracks: Data challenges and architecture
Open ML Training Data For Visual Tagging Of Construction-specific Objects (ConTag)
SynthCity: A large scale synthetic point cloud
FireNet: An image collection of fire safety equipment
Finding Your (3D) Center: 3D object detection using a learned loss
Semantic Segmentation of Terrestrial LIDAR Data Using Co-Registered RGB Data
Rapid object detection systems, utilising deep learning and unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
Boem, Francesca
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Control Systems | Multi-Robot Systems | Sensor Systems
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport
Carlson, Tom
Dept of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Control Systems | Human-Robot Interaction
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons | Rehabilitation
Research Project
Chen, Boli
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Control Systems | Multi-Robot Systems | Mobile Robot
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport
Research Project
Deisenroth, Marc
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Devadass, Pradeep
The Bartlett School of Architecture
Fabrication and Manufacturing | Construction | Education
Drak, Ahmad
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Computer Vision | Control Systems | Localization and Mapping | Sensor Systems | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Field Robotics
Gao, Lei
Dept of Computer Science
Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Haptics | Virtual/Augmented Reality
Gaponov, Igor
Dept of Computer Science
Bio-inspired Robotics | Control Systems | Human-Robot Interaction | Multi-Robot Systems | Mechanism Design | Novel Actuators
Agriculture | Construction | Education | Rehabilitation | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons
George Thuruthel, Thomas
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Bio-inspired Robotics | Control Systems | Soft Robotics | Materials
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Glynn, Ruairi
The Bartlett School of Architecture
Animaloid Robotics | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons | Field Robotics | Fabrication and Manufacturing | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Construction | Humanoid Robotics | Education
Haddad, Fares Sahi
Div of Surgery and Interventional Science
Haptics | 3D imaging and planning and robotic arm execution for hip and knee arthroplasty surgery
Hailes, Steve
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Bio-inspired Robotics | Communications | Control Systems | Sensor Systems | Multi-Robot Systems | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Localization and Mapping
Education | Field Robotics | Search & Rescue
Homer-Vanniasinkam, Shervanthi
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Soft Robotics
Robotics in Healthcare/Medical Robotics
Research Project
Hu, Junyan
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Control Systems | Multi-Robot Systems
Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Field Robotics | Search & Rescue
Jackman, Richard
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Sensor Systems
Field Robotics | Nuclear fission clean-up and nuclear fusion maintenance
Julier, Simon
Dept of Computer Science
Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Localization and Mapping | Human-Robot Interaction | Virtual/Augmented Reality
Construction | Search & Rescue | Field Robotics | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Kanoulas, Dimitrios
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Bio-inspired Robotics | Computer Vision | Legged Robotics | Localization and Mapping | Control Systems | Sensor Systems | Virtual/Augmented Reality
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Education | Field Robotics | Search & Rescue | Humanoid Robotics | Animaloid Robotics
Research Projects
RoboHike: Autonomous Quadrupedal Robot Navigation and Hiking in Challenging Rough Terrains
Bio-Robots: Crawl, Jump, and Slither!
TeLeMan: Teleoperative Legged Manipulator for Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Kelly, John
Dept of Targeted Intervention
Translation to surgical practice
Lai, Chow
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Mechanism Design | Control Systems | A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Fabrication and Manufacturing | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons | Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Li, Zhibin
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications | Human-Robot Interaction | Multi-Robot Systems | Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT)
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Field Robotics | Animaloid Robotics | Agriculture | Healthcare and Assistive Technologies
Li, Zhongguo
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Bio-inspired Robotics | Control Systems | Multi-Robot Systems
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Search & Rescue
Liu, Yuanchang
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning
Field Robotics
Lok, Lai Bun
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Sensor Systems
Field Robotics
Lorenzo, Rodolfo
Dept of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications
Construction | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Loureiro, Rui
Dept of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science
Bio-inspired Robotics | Haptics | Human-Robot Interaction | Mechanism Design | Multi-Robot Systems | Sensor Systems | Virtual/Augmented Reality | Control Systems | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications | Rehabilitation & Assistive Robotics
Education | Medical Diagnostics | Rehabilitation | Surgery | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons
Ma, Song
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Multi-Robot Systems | Localization and Mapping
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Field Robotics
Mannion, Daniel
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Bio-inspired Robotics | Materials
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transports | Field Robotics | Animaloid Robotics | Humanoid Robotics
Masouros, Christos
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Communications | Localization and Mapping | Sensor Systems
Mazomenos, Evangelos
Dept of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Computer Vision | Control Systems | Localization and Mapping | Multi-Robot Systems
Education | Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Mehonic, Adnan
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Neuromorphic Nanoelectronic Technologies | A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Materials
Meng, Jiawei
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Control Systems | Mechanism Design | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications
Agriculture | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Construction | Field Robotics
Nolan, Erin
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Bio-inspired Robotics | Control Systems | Materials | Mechanism Design;#Soft Robotics | Embodied Intelligence and Morphological Computation
Education | Autonomous and Automation Systems
Porto Guerra E Vasconcelos, Francisco
Dept of Computer Science
Computer Vision | A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Localization and Mapping
Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Raitt, Duncan
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Haptics | Multi-Robot Systems | Sensor Systems | Soft Robotics
Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Ritchie, Matt
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Sensor Systems
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Robson, Stuart
Dept of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Communications | Computer Vision | Human-Robot Interaction | Localization and Mapping | Multi-Robot Systems | Virtual/Augmented Reality | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications | Sensor Systems
Construction | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Sargeant, Ben
Dept of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Computer Vision | Control Systems | Localization and Mapping | Sensor Systems
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Field Robotics | Fabrication and Manufacturing | Construction
Sheil, Bob
The Bartlett School of Architecture
Fabrication and Manufacturing | Construction
Shi, Jialei
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Soft Robotics
Fabrication and Manufacturing | Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Song, Wenhui
Div of Surgery and Interventional Science
Bio-inspired Robotics | Human-Robot Interaction | Materials | Sensor Systems | Soft Robotics
Fabrication and Manufacturing | Medical Diagnostics | Rehabilitation | Surgery | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons
Spurgeon, Sarah
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Control Systems
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Rehabilitation | Surgery
Steed, Anthony
Dept of Computer Science
Haptics | Virtual/Augmented Reality
Stilli, Agostino
Dept of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Materials | Soft Robotics | Mechanism Design | Bio-inspired Robotics
Medical Diagnostics | Surgery | Autonomous and Automation Systems
Stoyanov, Danail
Dept of Computer Science
Computer Vision | Multi-Robot Systems | Soft Robotics
Stuart-Smith, Robert
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Computer Vision | Multi-Robot Systems | Robotic Fabrication | Autonomous Multi-robot Construction | Aerial Additive Manufacturing |Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications
Autonomous and Automation Systems| Construction | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Research Project
Applied Off-site and On-site Collective Multi-Robot Autonomous Building Manufacturing
Subramanian, Sriram
Dept of Computer Science
Haptics | Human-Robot Interaction | Sensor Systems | Virtual/Augmented Reality
Agriculture | Construction | Fabrication and Manufacturing | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Field Robotics | Prosthesis and Exoskeletons
Research Project
Tiwari, Manish
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Bio-inspired Robotics | Haptics | Materials | Sensor Systems
Fabrication and Manufacturing | Medical Diagnostics | Surgery
Tong, Kin-Fai (Kenneth)
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Communications | Sensor Systems | Generic Robotics Technologies for Specific Applications
Agriculture | Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Toni, Laura
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Virtual/Augmented Reality | Reinforcement Learning
Wei, Pengyuan
Dept of Computer Science
A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Autonomous Navigation, Motion and Path Planning | Control Systems | Multi-Robot Systems
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Field Robotics
Wurdemann, Helge
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Haptics | Soft Robotics | Human-Robot Interaction | Sensor Systems
Autonomous and Automation Systems | Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transport | Medical Diagnostics | Surgery | Fabrication and Manufacturing
Research Projects