
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


Postgraduate Virtual Open Days

Understanding global risks, reducing disasters and humanitarian crises presents a major challenge that requires coordinated and collaborative action. The Institute aims to achieve leadership in risk, disaster reduction and emergency response both in the UK and internationally.

Our Virtual Open Days:

are a great chance to find out more about your chosen course, the department and studying at UCL. You'll have the opportunity to hear from academic staff and ask any questions you might have about life at UCL. 

Register your place for our next Virtual Open Day

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RDR Alumnus Josh Anthony

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Josh studied Maths before embarking on the Risk and Disaster Science MSc at the UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction. Now finishing his PhD, Josh talks about his experience on the MSc and how it prepared him for his future studies.

Our Masters Programmes

BSc Global Humanitarian Studies programme

At UCL RDR, we offer masters programmes with taught and research components which aim to meet the growing need for experts trained to analyse and provide solutions to complex issues. In all our Masters programmes, students explore the characterisation, quantification, management and reduction of risk and disasters, along with their associated impacts, from a diverse range of scientific, technical, socio-economic, political, environmental, ethical and cultural perspectives. 

Careers with RDR

Careers IRDR

The global challenge of understanding risk, increasing resilience and reducing exposure to hazards has generated demand for a new type of professionals who can work across boundaries in every sector.

Our annual conference: 2023

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The 13th RDR Annual Conference - Risk Without Borders - examined the definition of borders from multiple perspectives and how to overcome the challenges they pose.

See what’s on with RDR

What's on in IRDR

For details of all of our upcoming public events and latest news, events, and more, check out our blog and website.

Carina Fearnley on warnings and alert systems

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Book your place

Register for your virtual open event session:

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