
Adaptive & Responsive Nanomaterials Group


Block copolymer-directed co-assembly of inorganic nanoarchitectures

The phase separation of block copolymers occurs typically on the length scale of 5 to 50 nm. Fine tuning of structure formation and translation into inorganic thin film architectures allows access to intricate material arrangements that are not feasible by conventional nanofabrication techniques. 

We are interested in how control over sub-wavelength structural properties, such as pore dimensions, pore volume and film thickness, enables the building of nanoarchitectures with unique material properties. 

Examples include porous electrodes for biosensing, photoanodes for solar cells and water splitting, one- and three-dimensional photonic crystals as well as self-cleaning antireflective optical coatings.

Image of nanostructures obtainable by block copolymer co-assembly

Key publications:

Block copolymer directed metamaterials and metasurfaces for novel optical devices (link)
A Alvarez-Fernandez, C Cummins, M Saba, U Steiner, G Fleury, V Ponsinet, S Guldin
Advanced Optical Materials, art no. 2100175 (2021).

Fractionation of polydisperse block copolymers for pore size control and reduced dispersity in mesoporous inorganic coatings (link)
A Alvarez-Fernandez, B Reid, J Suthar, S Choy, LA Serrano, MJ Fornerod, N Mac Fhionnlaoich, L Yang, B Schmidt-Hansberg, S Guldin
Nanoscale, vol. 12, pp. 18455 – 18462 (2020).

Tuning pore dimensions of mesoporous inorganic films by homopolymer swelling (link)
B Reid, A Alvarez-Fernandez, B Schmidt-Hansberg, S Guldin
Langmuir, vol 35, pp 14074 - 14082 (2019)

Photocatalytic template removal by non-ozone generating UV radiation for the fabrication of well defined mesoporous inorganic coatings (link)
B Reid, A Taylor, A Alvarez-Fernandez, M Hafiz Ismael, S Sharma, B Schmidt-Hansberg, S Guldin
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol 11, pp 19308 –19314 (2019)

Robust operation of mesoporous antireflective coatings under variable ambient conditions (link)
B Reid, Y Chen, B Schmidt-Hansberg, S Guldin
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol 10, pp 10315 –10321 (2018)

Block copolymer self-assembly for nanophotonics (link)
M Stefik, S Guldin, S Vignolini, U Wiesner, U Steiner
Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 44, pp. 5076-5091 (2015)

Self-cleaning antireflective optical coatings (link)
S Guldin, P Kohn, M Stefik, J Song, G Divitini, F Ecarla, C Ducati, U Wiesner, U Steiner
Nano letters, vol. 13, pp. 5329-5335 (2013)

A 3D optical metamaterial made by self-assembly (link)
S Vignolini, NA Yufa, PS Cunha, S Guldin, I Rushkin, M Stefik, K Hur, U Wiesner, JJ Baumberg, U Steiner
Advanced Materials, vol. 24, pp. OP23-OP27 (2012)

Tunable mesoporous bragg reflectors based on block-copolymer self-assembly (link)
S Guldin, M Kolle, M Stefik, R Langford, D Eder, U Wiesner, U Steiner
Advanced Materials, vol. 23, pp. 3664-3668 (2011)

Dye-sensitized solar cell based on a three-dimensional photonic crystal (link)
S Guldin, S Huttner, M Kolle, ME Welland, P Muller-Buschbaum, RH Friend, U Steiner, N Tetreault
Nano letters vol. 10, pp. 2303-2309 (2010)