Committees & governance
- UCL High-Level Committee on Global Health Funding Opportunities
The UCL High-Level Committee on Global Health Funding Opportunities is chaired by Professor Ibrahim Abubakar (Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences) with cross-school membership.
Committee members Representing Professor Ibrahim Abubakar UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences Professor Patrick Haggard UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences Professor Rob Heyderman UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences Ms Helen Hopkins UCL Research Coordination Office for Life and Medical Sciences Professor Usha Menon MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL Professor Georgina Mace UCL Faculty of Life Sciences Dr Maryam Shahmanesh Africa Health Research Institute
Ad hoc members:
Professor Kate Jones UCL Faculty of Life Sciences Professor Nora Groce UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences Professor Max Parmar UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences Professor Francois Balloux UCL Faculty of Life Sciences Professor Catherine Law UCL GOS Institute of Child Health Professor David Lomas (Adviser) UCL Office of the Vice-Provost (Health) Dr Sinéad Kennedy UCL Research Coordination Office for Life and Medical Sciences Terms of reference
- UCL High-Level Committee on Global Health Funding Opportunities Terms of Reference
For further information about the UCL High-Level Committee on Global Health Funding Opportunities, please contact Helen Hopkins (
- UCL Global Research Forum
A cross-university Global Research Forum (GRF) takes a proactive approach to understanding and accelerating global research opportunities.
Convened jointly by the Office of the Vice-Provost (Research) and the Global Engagement Office, the GRF:
- promotes synergies between the UCL Research Strategy and the UCL Global Engagement Strategy
- analyses, acts upon and shares information about UCL’s global research
- promotes researchers' engagement with global research
- represents the UCL global research community
- provides a single point of oversight of, and support for engagement with, Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding opportunities.
Co-Chairs Representing Professor Dame Hazel Genn UCL Pro-Vice-Provost (International) Professor Anthony Costello UCL Institute for Global Health Terms of reference
- UCL Global Research Forum Terms of Reference
For further information about the UCL Global Research Forum, please email:
- UCL ODA Operations Group
The UCL ODA Operations Group have been formed to ensure that the university maximises the opportunities presented by the increased government investment in Official Development Assistance (ODA) and particular in the Global Challenges Research Fund. Its work includes:
- identifying key operational risks around ODA-funded research and making recommendations for their mitigation
- ensuring that UCL’s processes and systems to support ODA-funded research are fit for purpose, including
- discussing risks and proposing mitigating actions
- making recommendations for activities and changes to policies and practice to enhance grant design, delivery and outcomes capture
- ensuring that UCL provides appropriate skills development for people to manage ODA-funded applications and grants
- encouraging UCL researchers’ engagement with ODA research, and providing relevant advice and guidance.
Co-Chairs Representing Dr Jennifer Hazelton Senior School Facilitator, BEAMS Sam Mardell Strategic Partnership Manager, Africa Health Research Institute Terms of reference
For further information about the UCL Global REsearch Forum, please contact Dr Jennifer Hazelton ( or Sam Mardell (