
All FMS Experts
Full directory of all our experts in the Food, Metabolism and Society Domain

Metabolic Disease
Experts in metabolic disease, which covers research into ageing; obesity; diabetes; genetic disorders of metabolic function; evolution of metabolic genes; the microbiome and metabolic health.

Metabolism and Global Health
Experts in Metabolism and Global Heath, which covers research topics including malnutrition; metabolic disease in the developing world; food security and supply; architecture and urban planning for health-living.

Biodiversity and Agriculture
Experts in Biodiversity and Agriculture, which covers research topics including agricultural impacts on biodiversity; genetically-modified crops; urban farming; evolutionary and cultural adaptation to agriculture; anthropology of agriculture.

Metabolism and Deep Time
Experts in Metabolism and Deep Time, which covers research topics including archaeology; historical, cultural and evolutionary perspectives on metabolism research.

Food and Decision Making
Experts in Food and Decision Making, which includes research topics such as behaviour change for healthy living; obesogenic environment; effects of food industry marketing; socioeconomic factors affecting food choices.