
UCL Research Domains


UCL Services and Support

Various teams work together to provide services and infrastructure which support the UCL community who perform research using data, software and compute.

Skip to: research software, research dataresearch computeequipment, clinical infrastructurecommunity

Support for researchers

Research Software

  • Research Software Development Group (RITS): Provides expertise in creating software for academic research, and collaborating with researchers across UCL on projects requiring these skills. Their goal is to enhance UCL's capacity to produce high quality scientific software, from the simplest scripts to complex simulations running on state-of-the-art supercomputers.
  • AI Studio (RITS):helps the scientific community across UCL by providing consultancy and software development for data science and machine learning projects
  • RITS Software Tools
  • Managing research outputs how-to-guide: Software sustainability, preservation and sharing
  • Portico Ventures (UCL Business) supports academics creating non-patentable intellectual property such as software, know-how, algorithmic methods. 
  • XIP (UCL Business) is an express licensing portal providing industry and academia with easy access to software and materials developed by UCL's researchers.

Research Data

Support and advice can be provided at all stages of the research lifecycle from inception, through data applications, research and retention from:

Research Compute

  • UCL Research Computing (RITS): Supports computationally intensive research at UCL through provision of specialist platforms for high performance (Grace, Kathleen) and high throughput computing (Myriad). RITS also provides Tier 2 HPC services the UK Materials and Molecular Modelling research community (Thomas) and the Faraday Institute (Michael).
  • Joint Academic Data Science Endeavour (JADE) is a Tier 2 GPU cluster. It the largest GPU facility in the UK supporting world-leading research in machine learning. UCL is a consortium member and support to access this facility is via RITS. 
  • Data Safe Haven (ISD): provides the technical solution for storing, handling and analysing identifiable data.
  • IHI and IOE Saferooms: enables remote analysis on sensitive data held in national repositories e.g. UK Data Service.
  • Jill Dando Institute Research Laboratory (Crime Science): state-of-the-art secure computer facility, which is a Police Assured Secure Facility for the storage and analysis of data.
  • MRC eMedLab (ItforSLMS): is a shared computer cluster which integrates and shares heterogeneous data from personal healthcare records, imaging, pharmacoinformatics and genomics.


  • UKRI Infrastructure Portal: contains information on hundreds of research and innovation infrastructures available to UK researchers and innovators. These include major equipment, resources such as collections, archives or scientific data, e-infrastructures such as data and computing systems, and communication networks.
  • UCL Research Equipment Catalogue (Research & Innovation Services): a searchable database containing information on all UCL’s major research equipment and facilities. 
  • Science and Technology Platforms (LMS RCO): aim to provide an integrated network of world-class science and technology platforms to ensure researchers have timely access to equipment, resources and expertise necessary to undertake world-leading research.
  • Costing and Recharging UCL’s Research Facilities (Research & Innovation Services)

NIHR Biomedical Research Centres
