
UCL Research Domains


Crafting a narrative CV for UKRI applications

Crafting a narrative CV for UKRI applications

Crafting a narrative CV for UKRI applications
9 July 2024

G01, Ground Floor, Central House, UCL, 17 Upper Woburn Place

Last year the UKRI changed the way applicants provide information from their CVs. In this workshop Professor Allison Littlejohn (IOE) will discuss the new format for Resume for Research and Innovation (R4RI) narrative CVs. The adoption of this format moves application from individual CVs towards demonstrating the contributions to research people make as a team.  You will have an opportunity to write a R4RI for a future research proposal you plan to submit.

  • NB: Only 18 places are available

Essential requirements

  1. This is a highly interactive in-person workshop for UCL post-doctoral researchers only
  2. You must be able to prepare and bring along the draft documents on your laptop BEFORE you participate in the workshop: 
  • an outline for a draft research proposal (at least one paragraph long) including proposed team members
  • a list of bullet points of the key skillset of each proposed team member.  The grant proposal idea plus the skillsets of each team member will form the basis of the R4RI
  • short CVs (traditional format) for each proposed research team member
  1. You must bring a wi-fi enabled laptop/tablet to the workshop

Workshop schedule
Part 1: Introduction to R4RI. (15min)
Part 2 (individually): Write a section of an R4RI for a future research proposal (1 hour)
Part 3 (in groups): Read and comment on a proposal written by a colleague (45min)